Protecting Data Validation List from being modified in the formulabar



Hi all,

I have created a Data Validation List where the source is being taken
from a separate worksheet. Once the worksheet is protected, the user
will select something from the Data Validation List. I have noticed that
the formula bar will display whatever the user selects and it is then
possible for the user to modify this selection. Is is possible to
protect the contents in the formula bar from being modified with VBA code?

Thanks in advance?

Dave Peterson

If those data|validation rules are still with that cell, the user won't be able
to make a change to the value.

As soon as the user hits enter, the Data|Validation rules will check to see if
that value is on that list.

If it is, then it's ok.

If it isn't, then they'll get the message that you defined in the
data|validation dialog.

About the only thing that the user could change is the case of the string:


would all be valid if "cat" is on that list.


Hi Dave,

Maybe it's me but it still doesn't seem to be working.

The Data Validation List is compiled from a listing with the range name
"Numbers". When the user selects one on the items from the list, it
updates a number of other cells. Which works correctly.

If the user then selects the formula bar once the Data Validation List
is selected and modifies the item in the formula bar, then somehow the
item in the cell with the Data Validation List is modified. Can I
protect it in a way for this not to occur?


Dave Peterson

I'm confused about what's being selected and what's changing.

Say you have your list used for Data|Validation in Sheet2 A1:A10.

And you use that list to validate A1 of Sheet1.

Are you saying that if the user changes A1 of Sheet1, then the list in Sheet2
A1:A10 changes?

If you don't have formulas or macros doing this, then I don't understand how
this could happen.

Debra Dalgleish

Can you type invalid items directly in the cell?
If so, perhaps the Numbers range contains a blank cell, which would
permit you to enter any value in the cell with data validation.

Dave Peterson

Wanna bet?

$10 USAian vs $10 Cubic Furlongs (isn't that the Candian currency???)

Debra said:
Maybe that's not it though. I missed the part about the entry altering
the Number list.


Sorry Dave,

I will try and explain it a little clearer.

List used for Data|Validation is Sheet2 A1:A10 (range name "numbers")
When I change A1, then it correctly recalculate all the necessary cells.
Data|Validation works fine.

If I was to then to select the formula bar and modify whatever is in the
formula bar (while the Data|Validation (A1) is still selected)then the
Data|Validation (A1) automatically modifies to whatever I type in the
formula bar.

Hope this is somewhat clearer. If not, I will work on a different way to
give me the same result as Data|Validation.

Thanks for your help.


I fixed it .... I had a blank cell in the range name.

Sorry Dave. Was having just one of those days :)

Thanks again.

Debra Dalgleish

Hmmm...having read the answer, I'll save my money for a safer bet,
thanks. <g>

Dave said:
Wanna bet?

$10 USAian vs $10 Cubic Furlongs (isn't that the Candian currency???)

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