Protecting a workbook



I've had people diddling in the workbook by pressing "disable macros
instead of "enable macros". I've been able to get around this b
setting the workbook as hidden and then unhiding it only when th
macros are enabled. It is also set to hide again when the project i
closed. In addition, I have the workbook book set to save automaticall
on close, without prompting the user. My problem is, now that I hav
put in the visible=False command in the before close, it no longe
saves without prompting the user. I do not want the user prompted t
save on close. The save on close without prompting worked fine until
added the visible = false command.
I just want the workbook to save and close automatically. Here is th
code I have in the workbook module.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Windows("B2B tracking.xls").Visible = True

' minimize all windows Except Xl
Dim objShell As Object

Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
Application.WindowState = xlMinimized
Set objShell = Nothing

Application.WindowState = xlMinimized

' Open user form

' Update Form

Workbooks("b2b tracking.xls").Save
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Windows("B2B Tracking.xls").Visible = False

End Su

Frank Kabel

try adding the line
Application.displayalerts = false
before your save command
and the line
Application.displayalerts = True
after this command


Thanks Frank,

Sorry to say it is still prompting me to save the spreadsheet on close
It has to have something to do with the fact that I am hiding it befor
closing it. I'm just not sure what.... :


Anyone have any idea how to get a hidden spreadsheet to stop promptin
for Save on close???

See code above...


Doug Glancy

Have you tried putting in something like:

myworkbook.Saved = True

after you save it?



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