PropertyStore does not contain a definition for Settings

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I have a Windows.Forms application in .Net 2.0 that has a Settings class. In
the main form, I can access the setting named LastAttributeList like this:


In another form in the same application, when I try to access that same
setting, the value is null. Stepping through the code and then trying to
access the LastAttributeList setting in the immediate window returns this

'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyStore' does not contain a definition for

I can work around my problem by setting a value in the second form before
calling the form's ShowDialog() method but I would like to resolve why I
cannot access the Settings.Default instance in my second form.

Any suggestions?


Hi Dale,

Based on my understanding, you have a application setting in a WinForm
application and you can access the setting in the main form using the
statement 'Properites.Settings.Default.LastAttributeList'. The problem is
that you couldn't access the same setting using the same code in another
form within the same project. If I'm off base, please feel free to let me

I performed a test on this issue, but didn't reproduce the problem on my

The only possible reason I could image is that the form in which you
couldn't access the setting has a different namespace from that of the main
form. But since your application has passed the compilation, it shouldn't
be the case.

If possible, could you please send me a sample project that could just
reproduce the problem? To get my actual email address, remove 'online' from
my displayed email address.

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support

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I have a Windows.Forms application in .Net 2.0 that has a Settings class. In
the main form, I can access the setting named LastAttributeList like this:


In another form in the same application, when I try to access that same
setting, the value is null. Stepping through the code and then trying to
access the LastAttributeList setting in the immediate window returns this

'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyStore' does not contain a definition for

I can work around my problem by setting a value in the second form before
calling the form's ShowDialog() method but I would like to resolve why I
cannot access the Settings.Default instance in my second form.

Any suggestions?


Use full-path of the Properties (i.e, NameSpace.Properties.Settings...). If there's a white-space in your name space visual studio replaces it with an 'underscore'. While intellicense recognizes your namespace with underscore, during run-time visual studio looks for the one with white-space. hence, it cannot find the Properties.Settings.