Proper way to use LIKE operator with SqlDataSource and control parameters in declarative markup?



I'm trying to use LIKE operators in SqlDataSource with Control Parameters.
The following should express my intent, but it does not work in the way I
want it to (returns no results):

SelectCommand="SELECT title, conid FROM Contentitems WHERE ((categoryid =
'102') AND (byline LIKE '%@byline%')) OR ((categoryid = '102') AND (keywords
LIKE '%@keywords%')) OR ((categoryid = '102') AND (keywords LIKE
'%@jobid%')) OR ((categoryid = '102') AND (title LIKE '%@keywords%'))">

Besides generating the string that should go with the SelectCommand
programmatically, is there a way to make this work right declaratively?

Subbing in literal values returns a whole lot of results:

SelectCommand="SELECT title, conid FROM Contentitems WHERE ((categoryid =
'102') AND (byline LIKE '%president%')) OR ((categoryid = '102') AND
(keywords LIKE '%president%')) OR ((categoryid = '102') AND (jobid LIKE
'%president%')) OR ((categoryid = '102') AND (title LIKE '%president%'))">

Help out there? MSDN managed newsgroup support should be linked to this
account in, oh, 12 hours or so. :)




Yeah, I know that that first SQL statement seemed a little funny, but the
"corrected" version doesn't help either:

SelectCommand="SELECT title, conid FROM Contentitems WHERE ((categoryid =
'102') AND (byline LIKE '%@byline%')) OR ((categoryid = '102') AND (keywords
LIKE '%@keywords%')) OR ((categoryid = '102') AND (jobid LIKE '%@jobid%'))
OR ((categoryid = '102') AND (title LIKE '%@title%'))">


This CAN be done from declarative code.

The answer is to use concatenation operators and single quotes around the
percent symbols as follows:

SelectCommand="SELECT title, conid FROM Contentitems WHERE ((categoryid =
'102') AND (byline LIKE '%' + @byline + '%')) OR ((categoryid = '102') AND
(keywords LIKE '%' + @keywords + '%')) OR ((categoryid = '102') AND (jobid
LIKE '%' + @jobid + '%')) OR ((categoryid = '102') AND (title LIKE '%' +
@title + '%'))">

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