Prompt for Parameter Value Help

  • Thread starter Thread starter PHisaw
  • Start date Start date


I have a database that has been working fine, now it starts asking for
I created a switchboard that opens to screen where user selects name from a
combo box and then a list is populated with a list of his jobs. User then
clicks on job number to go to form to enter time started / completed work on
job. This is the code behind job number click:

Private Sub JobNumber_Click()
On Error GoTo JobNumber_Click_Error

If IsNull(Forms!fWorkLogHiddenOpen!StopTime) Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "fWorkLogReminder"
End If

Exit Sub


If Err.Number = 2501 Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "fGeneralInfo", , , "JobNumber=" & Me!JobNumber
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End If
GoTo JobNumber_Click_Exit

End Sub

Now, it is prompting for tWorkLog.StartTime and I have no idea why. I know
if anyone can help, more info will probably be needed but I'll wait to find
out exactly what that will be. Any help is greatly appreciated as I've
already spent considerable amount of time searching tables, queries, etc. and
know I'm overlooking something probably very simple.

Thanks in advance,

Just to rule out the most obvious:

Is fWorkLogHiddenOpen actually open and displaying a record?
Can you manually open fWorkLogReminder without the prompt?
Thanks nomadk for replying. If I enter someone who is currently working on a
job (start time is entered but stop time is null), then yes a record is
displayed and I can manually open fWorkLogReminder without any prompts.

Friday I noticed there was a corrupt record in the work log table, but I
deleted it everything seemed to be working fine. I can't figure out why it
is asking for starttime.

Did this parameter prompt appear after the corrupt data was noticed? Did you
run Compact & Repair? Can you open fWorkLogReminder manually?
It did appear after the corrupt data record was deleted and I did run compact
and repair and I can open fWorkLogReminder manually with no parameter prompts.

That's okay - I appreciate your time and help anyway. I'll repost the
question and maybe someone will point out something we both are overlooking.
