progress message



I have a macro at single module(not running from userform) which runs some
code for 3 minutes.
The code is jumping from sheet1 to sheet2 , check some values from sheet1
and copy them to sheet 2 .
The application.screenupdating is set to false .
How is it possible to show something (msgbox,form etc) at screen which
showing that the macro is running (not necessary progress bar)
(And Don't want the message at StatusBar)

John Wilson


Gleaned this from one of Tom Ogilvy's posts.
It's a different type of approach but it works well.

Create a UserForm with whatever message that you want displayed.
Then run your code from within the UserForm Activate event.


Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
' Call your sub(s) here
Unload UserForm1
End Sub


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