Programs won't finish downloading



My computer is Windows XP professional with a CD/DVD drive. I have
experienced the following with two different programs:

I put the download CD in the drive and in each case the program will
partially download and then for no apparent reason the drive shuts down and
the down load stops. I have tried downloading these two programs several
times with the same results. Is there a solution for this?


My computer is Windows XP professional with a CD/DVD drive. I have
experienced the following with two different programs:

I put the download CD in the drive and in each case the program will
partially download and then for no apparent reason the drive shuts down and
the down load stops. I have tried downloading these two programs several
times with the same results. Is there a solution for this?

You "install" from the cd ? - but it doesn`t finish ?


Mel said:
My computer is Windows XP professional with a CD/DVD drive. I have
experienced the following with two different programs:

I put the download CD in the drive and in each case the program will
partially download and then for no apparent reason the drive shuts down
the down load stops. I have tried downloading these two programs several
times with the same results. Is there a solution for this?

I think you're confusing "downloading" with "installing". As I interpret
your post, you are putting a program CD into your CD/DVD drive in order to
install a program. The program never finishes installing.

If my interpretation is correct, you probably need to replace your CD/DVD
drive. They are not very expensive. If you are uncomfortable opening your
computer and doing this yourself (although it is very easy), it will not be
very expensive to have a computer tech do it for you. If you go this route,
I don't recommend using a BigComputerStore/GeekSquad type of place.

If my interpretation was *not* correct, please post back with corrections
and give more details about exactly what you are trying to do. If you are
truly trying to *download* something from the Internet, please include how
you connect to the Internet and what browser you are using.



Mel said:
Yes, I install from the CD but it does not finish.

Any error messages?

Any prompts to insert the installation media?

Can you still view the disk with Windows Explorer after the installation

Does the CD drive still show up in the Windows Device Manager without
any indications of problems?

Have you checked the disks for smudges and/or scratches?

Are you starting the installation with the autorun function, Add or
Remove Programs wizard or double clicking the CD's setup file?

Service pack level of Windows XP?

Can you play an audio CD on that drive without the drive shutting down?


There are no error messages.

There are no prompts to insert the installation media.

I'm not sure what you mean "view the disk with Windows Explorer after the
installation failure"

The Device Manager says the CD drive is in operating properly

No smudges or scratches on the CD's. They download ok on my other computer
which has the same operating system with service pack 3

The downloads start with Auto Run

I played an audio CD in it's entirety and it did not stop.

One of the downloads is Active Sync 3.7.1 and the other is Corel Print and
Photo House which I have downloaded successfully on my other computer.

My Windows XP has service pack 3

Bill Sharpe

Mel said:
My computer is Windows XP professional with a CD/DVD drive. I have
experienced the following with two different programs:

I put the download CD in the drive and in each case the program will
partially download and then for no apparent reason the drive shuts down and
the down load stops. I have tried downloading these two programs several
times with the same results. Is there a solution for this?

Instead of trying to install your programs automatically, put your
installation CD in the CD/DVD drive, right click on the drive letter in
My Computer, and select Explore. That should give you an Explorer window
listing the files on that CD.

I would contact the supplier of your CD and inquire. It's possible you
have a defective disk.




Bill Sharpe said:
Instead of trying to install your programs automatically, put your
installation CD in the CD/DVD drive, right click on the drive letter in My
Computer, and select Explore. That should give you an Explorer window
listing the files on that CD.

I would contact the supplier of your CD and inquire. It's possible you
have a defective disk.


Barry Schwarz

Your use of the word "download" is confusing some people. You appear
to be talking about installing from a CD, not downloading from the

Since the CDs install fine on your other system, the media is probably
not the problem. I say only probably because CD specifications are a
range (such as signal strength must be between X and Y). If the CD
readers on your two systems are at opposite ends of the specified
range but still within tolerance and the CD is near one edge, then
what you describe is not unreasonable.

A more likely situation is that the reader on the system that fails
has a problem that only manifests itself under certain conditions
which do not occur when playing an audio CD.

Another possibility is that your permissions or other OS setup
parameters are sufficiently different to cause the installation to
fail on one system.


Sorry, "Installing from a CD."

Barry Schwarz said:
Your use of the word "download" is confusing some people. You appear
to be talking about installing from a CD, not downloading from the

Since the CDs install fine on your other system, the media is probably
not the problem. I say only probably because CD specifications are a
range (such as signal strength must be between X and Y). If the CD
readers on your two systems are at opposite ends of the specified
range but still within tolerance and the CD is near one edge, then
what you describe is not unreasonable.

A more likely situation is that the reader on the system that fails
has a problem that only manifests itself under certain conditions
which do not occur when playing an audio CD.

Another possibility is that your permissions or other OS setup
parameters are sufficiently different to cause the installation to
fail on one system.

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