Programs icon missing from lower left side of start menu in XP



The "Programs" word and green triangle icon are missing from the lower left
side of the start menu in XP. If I change the start menu to "Classic" it is
there - but I go back to the XP style and it is gone. I can't view any of my
programs from the start menu. Does anyone know how to correct?


Susan said:
The "Programs" word and green triangle icon are missing from the lower left
side of the start menu in XP. If I change the start menu to "Classic" it is
there - but I go back to the XP style and it is gone. I can't view any of my
programs from the start menu. Does anyone know how to correct?

Try running the edit on Kelly's site:
Line 154: Remove "All Programs" from Start Menu - Undo

Click on the "Undo" portion of that line.

See the top of the page for info on running the edit.


Awesome! It worked. One more question about the same area. I can no longer
"pin" items on the left side of the XP start menu (below the recent use icons
and above the "all program" icon). When I right click on an icon - the "pin"
option is not available. Do you know how I can get it back? Thanks


Susan said:
Awesome! It worked. One more question about the same area. I can no longer
"pin" items on the left side of the XP start menu (below the recent use icons
and above the "all program" icon). When I right click on an icon - the "pin"
option is not available. Do you know how I can get it back? Thanks

You're welcome.

Same site,
Line 160 right side: Disable or Enable Pin to Start Menu - Right Click

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