Programmatically passing variable as 'where' by parameter for Xtab



Howdy folks, I'm looking for a little feedback on the following issue.

We have a fairly complex report that contains several sub-reports. Some of
the sub-reports are based upon crosstab queries that provide some aggregate
calculations. At present the crosstab queries utilize a "where" limiting
clause based upon a form's textbox value. While this method works fine it is
undesirable as the specific form must be open in order to use the report. We
would like to revise how the crosstab data is limited by using a variable
passed as a parameter if possible.

We have revised the "Open" event code in the sub-reports to create a
QueryDef object to which we are trying to assign a value to qdf.parameter(0).
Here is some sample code:

Set dbsReport = CurrentDb

'// Open QueryDef object.
Set qdf = dbsReport.QueryDefs("Rpt_Recap_Cont_Sub_Xtab_Qry")

'// Set parameters for query based on values from parent report
qdf.Parameters(0) = Reports![Recap]![Txt_Job_id]

'// Open Recordset object.
Set rstReport = qdf.OpenRecordset()
Me.RecordSource = rstReport.Name

'// Set a variable to hold number of columns in crosstab query.
intColumnCount = rstReport.Fields.Count

The crosstab query include a single parameter of the long integer type and
the SQL string includes a "where" that should limit returned data based upon
that value.

The problem is that when the report is used accessed the user is prompted
with an input box requesting parameter input for the crosstab query.
Obviously we want to eliminate this prompt and have the parameter value
passed to the crosstab queries programmatically.

Any help that could be provided would be greatly appreciated.


Jeff Boyce

I'm not sure if this is relevant...

I noticed that you mentioned basing a WHERE clause on "a form's textbox",
but the code you listed contained a reference to a report's textbox. Am I
missing something?

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>


No, you aren't missing anything. What you say is true. The sample code does
refer to a report control rather than a form control. That snippet of code
was written during workaround development where we moved reference from a
form to the top-level parent report. This solution works and eliminates the
need to have a specific form open in order to use the report but we would
still like to be able to pass a variable as parameter to the a QueryDef
object based upon a crosstab query without receiving an input prompt.

Jeff Boyce said:
I'm not sure if this is relevant...

I noticed that you mentioned basing a WHERE clause on "a form's textbox",
but the code you listed contained a reference to a report's textbox. Am I
missing something?

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

BB_MIT said:
Howdy folks, I'm looking for a little feedback on the following issue.

We have a fairly complex report that contains several sub-reports. Some of
the sub-reports are based upon crosstab queries that provide some aggregate
calculations. At present the crosstab queries utilize a "where" limiting
clause based upon a form's textbox value. While this method works fine it is
undesirable as the specific form must be open in order to use the report. We
would like to revise how the crosstab data is limited by using a variable
passed as a parameter if possible.

We have revised the "Open" event code in the sub-reports to create a
QueryDef object to which we are trying to assign a value to qdf.parameter(0).
Here is some sample code:

Set dbsReport = CurrentDb

'// Open QueryDef object.
Set qdf = dbsReport.QueryDefs("Rpt_Recap_Cont_Sub_Xtab_Qry")

'// Set parameters for query based on values from parent report
qdf.Parameters(0) = Reports![Recap]![Txt_Job_id]

'// Open Recordset object.
Set rstReport = qdf.OpenRecordset()
Me.RecordSource = rstReport.Name

'// Set a variable to hold number of columns in crosstab query.
intColumnCount = rstReport.Fields.Count

The crosstab query include a single parameter of the long integer type and
the SQL string includes a "where" that should limit returned data based upon
that value.

The problem is that when the report is used accessed the user is prompted
with an input box requesting parameter input for the crosstab query.
Obviously we want to eliminate this prompt and have the parameter value
passed to the crosstab queries programmatically.

Any help that could be provided would be greatly appreciated.


Jeff Boyce

One of the oft-used methods for passing a parameter to a query (for a report
or ...) is to do so in a form. Is there a reason why a "report order" form
is not relevant to the user interface you have designed?

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

BB_MIT said:
No, you aren't missing anything. What you say is true. The sample code does
refer to a report control rather than a form control. That snippet of code
was written during workaround development where we moved reference from a
form to the top-level parent report. This solution works and eliminates the
need to have a specific form open in order to use the report but we would
still like to be able to pass a variable as parameter to the a QueryDef
object based upon a crosstab query without receiving an input prompt.

Jeff Boyce said:
I'm not sure if this is relevant...

I noticed that you mentioned basing a WHERE clause on "a form's textbox",
but the code you listed contained a reference to a report's textbox. Am I
missing something?

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

BB_MIT said:
Howdy folks, I'm looking for a little feedback on the following issue.

We have a fairly complex report that contains several sub-reports. Some of
the sub-reports are based upon crosstab queries that provide some aggregate
calculations. At present the crosstab queries utilize a "where" limiting
clause based upon a form's textbox value. While this method works fine
undesirable as the specific form must be open in order to use the
would like to revise how the crosstab data is limited by using a variable
passed as a parameter if possible.

We have revised the "Open" event code in the sub-reports to create a
QueryDef object to which we are trying to assign a value to qdf.parameter(0).
Here is some sample code:

Set dbsReport = CurrentDb

'// Open QueryDef object.
Set qdf = dbsReport.QueryDefs("Rpt_Recap_Cont_Sub_Xtab_Qry")

'// Set parameters for query based on values from parent report
qdf.Parameters(0) = Reports![Recap]![Txt_Job_id]

'// Open Recordset object.
Set rstReport = qdf.OpenRecordset()
Me.RecordSource = rstReport.Name

'// Set a variable to hold number of columns in crosstab query.
intColumnCount = rstReport.Fields.Count

The crosstab query include a single parameter of the long integer type and
the SQL string includes a "where" that should limit returned data
that value.

The problem is that when the report is used accessed the user is prompted
with an input box requesting parameter input for the crosstab query.
Obviously we want to eliminate this prompt and have the parameter value
passed to the crosstab queries programmatically.

Any help that could be provided would be greatly appreciated.



Mr. Boyce,

In a word, "portability". In two words, "self containment".

I'll try to be brief but clear although I'm not very good at it.

Requiring a form to be open in order to allow utilization of a program
resource is obviously a restraint that can limit the availability and
accessibility of the object in question. For maximum flexibility we try to
make reports as self sufficient or self reliant as possible. Case in point,
there is a program feature that allows end users to assemble "report
packets", a grouping of separate and individual reports that can be output as
a group rather than printing each individually. A prerequisite for report
inclusion with this feature is that the report must be independent of any
other UI components or end user interaction.

Ok, so not so brief and maybe not so clear.

Basically we have a feature that automates the printing of a bunch of
reports contained in a group. The contents of the report group is
customizable by the end user. In order to include this particular report we
must be able to eliminate any form dependency and any user input prompt.
Otherwise, the automated print process will fail because the required form is
not open or will stop at a input prompt.

Therefore, the best solution is to programmatically pass any information
that the report requires.

Hopefully I've explained myself well enough to be understood.

Thanks & Regards,

Jeff Boyce said:
One of the oft-used methods for passing a parameter to a query (for a report
or ...) is to do so in a form. Is there a reason why a "report order" form
is not relevant to the user interface you have designed?

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

BB_MIT said:
No, you aren't missing anything. What you say is true. The sample code does
refer to a report control rather than a form control. That snippet of code
was written during workaround development where we moved reference from a
form to the top-level parent report. This solution works and eliminates the
need to have a specific form open in order to use the report but we would
still like to be able to pass a variable as parameter to the a QueryDef
object based upon a crosstab query without receiving an input prompt.

Jeff Boyce said:
I'm not sure if this is relevant...

I noticed that you mentioned basing a WHERE clause on "a form's textbox",
but the code you listed contained a reference to a report's textbox. Am I
missing something?

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Howdy folks, I'm looking for a little feedback on the following issue.

We have a fairly complex report that contains several sub-reports. Some of
the sub-reports are based upon crosstab queries that provide some
calculations. At present the crosstab queries utilize a "where" limiting
clause based upon a form's textbox value. While this method works fine it
undesirable as the specific form must be open in order to use the report.
would like to revise how the crosstab data is limited by using a variable
passed as a parameter if possible.

We have revised the "Open" event code in the sub-reports to create a
QueryDef object to which we are trying to assign a value to
Here is some sample code:

Set dbsReport = CurrentDb

'// Open QueryDef object.
Set qdf = dbsReport.QueryDefs("Rpt_Recap_Cont_Sub_Xtab_Qry")

'// Set parameters for query based on values from parent report
qdf.Parameters(0) = Reports![Recap]![Txt_Job_id]

'// Open Recordset object.
Set rstReport = qdf.OpenRecordset()
Me.RecordSource = rstReport.Name

'// Set a variable to hold number of columns in crosstab query.
intColumnCount = rstReport.Fields.Count

The crosstab query include a single parameter of the long integer type and
the SQL string includes a "where" that should limit returned data based
that value.

The problem is that when the report is used accessed the user is prompted
with an input box requesting parameter input for the crosstab query.
Obviously we want to eliminate this prompt and have the parameter value
passed to the crosstab queries programmatically.

Any help that could be provided would be greatly appreciated.



Hash: SHA1

Instead of a Form or a Report reference why not use a function. E.g.:

FROM table
WHERE column = getParameterValue()

The function would be like this:

Public Function getParameterValue() As Variant
getParameterValue = g_strQueryParameter
End Function

The module variable g_strQueryParameter would be in a public VBA
module's Declaration section.

Public g_strQueryParameter As String

Before running the report, set up the variable

g_strQueryParameter = 'haberdasher'
DoCmd.OpenReport ... etc. ...

When the query runs it will retrieve 'haberdasher' for the WHERE

MGFoster:::mgf00 <at> earthlink <decimal-point> net
Oakland, CA (USA)

Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0
Charset: noconv


BB_MIT said:
Mr. Boyce,

In a word, "portability". In two words, "self containment".

I'll try to be brief but clear although I'm not very good at it.

Requiring a form to be open in order to allow utilization of a program
resource is obviously a restraint that can limit the availability and
accessibility of the object in question. For maximum flexibility we try to
make reports as self sufficient or self reliant as possible. Case in point,
there is a program feature that allows end users to assemble "report
packets", a grouping of separate and individual reports that can be output as
a group rather than printing each individually. A prerequisite for report
inclusion with this feature is that the report must be independent of any
other UI components or end user interaction.

Ok, so not so brief and maybe not so clear.

Basically we have a feature that automates the printing of a bunch of
reports contained in a group. The contents of the report group is
customizable by the end user. In order to include this particular report we
must be able to eliminate any form dependency and any user input prompt.
Otherwise, the automated print process will fail because the required form is
not open or will stop at a input prompt.

Therefore, the best solution is to programmatically pass any information
that the report requires.

Hopefully I've explained myself well enough to be understood.

Thanks & Regards,


One of the oft-used methods for passing a parameter to a query (for a report
or ...) is to do so in a form. Is there a reason why a "report order" form
is not relevant to the user interface you have designed?

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

No, you aren't missing anything. What you say is true. The sample code

refer to a report control rather than a form control. That snippet of code
was written during workaround development where we moved reference from a
form to the top-level parent report. This solution works and eliminates

need to have a specific form open in order to use the report but we would
still like to be able to pass a variable as parameter to the a QueryDef
object based upon a crosstab query without receiving an input prompt.


I'm not sure if this is relevant...

I noticed that you mentioned basing a WHERE clause on "a form's

but the code you listed contained a reference to a report's textbox. Am

missing something?

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Howdy folks, I'm looking for a little feedback on the following issue.

We have a fairly complex report that contains several sub-reports.

Some of
the sub-reports are based upon crosstab queries that provide some


calculations. At present the crosstab queries utilize a "where"

clause based upon a form's textbox value. While this method works fine


undesirable as the specific form must be open in order to use the


would like to revise how the crosstab data is limited by using a

passed as a parameter if possible.

We have revised the "Open" event code in the sub-reports to create a
QueryDef object to which we are trying to assign a value to


Here is some sample code:

Set dbsReport = CurrentDb

'// Open QueryDef object.
Set qdf = dbsReport.QueryDefs("Rpt_Recap_Cont_Sub_Xtab_Qry")

'// Set parameters for query based on values from parent report
qdf.Parameters(0) = Reports![Recap]![Txt_Job_id]

'// Open Recordset object.
Set rstReport = qdf.OpenRecordset()
Me.RecordSource = rstReport.Name

'// Set a variable to hold number of columns in crosstab query.
intColumnCount = rstReport.Fields.Count

The crosstab query include a single parameter of the long integer type

the SQL string includes a "where" that should limit returned data


that value.

The problem is that when the report is used accessed the user is

with an input box requesting parameter input for the crosstab query.
Obviously we want to eliminate this prompt and have the parameter

passed to the crosstab queries programmatically.

Any help that could be provided would be greatly appreciated.




Global var & get function: this is as good of a solution as any.


MGFoster said:
Hash: SHA1

Instead of a Form or a Report reference why not use a function. E.g.:

FROM table
WHERE column = getParameterValue()

The function would be like this:

Public Function getParameterValue() As Variant
getParameterValue = g_strQueryParameter
End Function

The module variable g_strQueryParameter would be in a public VBA
module's Declaration section.

Public g_strQueryParameter As String

Before running the report, set up the variable

g_strQueryParameter = 'haberdasher'
DoCmd.OpenReport ... etc. ...

When the query runs it will retrieve 'haberdasher' for the WHERE

MGFoster:::mgf00 <at> earthlink <decimal-point> net
Oakland, CA (USA)

Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0
Charset: noconv


BB_MIT said:
Mr. Boyce,

In a word, "portability". In two words, "self containment".

I'll try to be brief but clear although I'm not very good at it.

Requiring a form to be open in order to allow utilization of a program
resource is obviously a restraint that can limit the availability and
accessibility of the object in question. For maximum flexibility we try to
make reports as self sufficient or self reliant as possible. Case in point,
there is a program feature that allows end users to assemble "report
packets", a grouping of separate and individual reports that can be output as
a group rather than printing each individually. A prerequisite for report
inclusion with this feature is that the report must be independent of any
other UI components or end user interaction.

Ok, so not so brief and maybe not so clear.

Basically we have a feature that automates the printing of a bunch of
reports contained in a group. The contents of the report group is
customizable by the end user. In order to include this particular report we
must be able to eliminate any form dependency and any user input prompt.
Otherwise, the automated print process will fail because the required form is
not open or will stop at a input prompt.

Therefore, the best solution is to programmatically pass any information
that the report requires.

Hopefully I've explained myself well enough to be understood.

Thanks & Regards,


One of the oft-used methods for passing a parameter to a query (for a report
or ...) is to do so in a form. Is there a reason why a "report order" form
is not relevant to the user interface you have designed?

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

No, you aren't missing anything. What you say is true. The sample code


refer to a report control rather than a form control. That snippet of code
was written during workaround development where we moved reference from a
form to the top-level parent report. This solution works and eliminates


need to have a specific form open in order to use the report but we would
still like to be able to pass a variable as parameter to the a QueryDef
object based upon a crosstab query without receiving an input prompt.


I'm not sure if this is relevant...

I noticed that you mentioned basing a WHERE clause on "a form's


but the code you listed contained a reference to a report's textbox. Am


missing something?

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Howdy folks, I'm looking for a little feedback on the following issue.

We have a fairly complex report that contains several sub-reports.

Some of

the sub-reports are based upon crosstab queries that provide some


calculations. At present the crosstab queries utilize a "where"


clause based upon a form's textbox value. While this method works fine



undesirable as the specific form must be open in order to use the



would like to revise how the crosstab data is limited by using a


passed as a parameter if possible.

We have revised the "Open" event code in the sub-reports to create a
QueryDef object to which we are trying to assign a value to


Here is some sample code:

Set dbsReport = CurrentDb

'// Open QueryDef object.
Set qdf = dbsReport.QueryDefs("Rpt_Recap_Cont_Sub_Xtab_Qry")

'// Set parameters for query based on values from parent report
qdf.Parameters(0) = Reports![Recap]![Txt_Job_id]

'// Open Recordset object.
Set rstReport = qdf.OpenRecordset()
Me.RecordSource = rstReport.Name

'// Set a variable to hold number of columns in crosstab query.
intColumnCount = rstReport.Fields.Count

The crosstab query include a single parameter of the long integer type


the SQL string includes a "where" that should limit returned data



that value.

The problem is that when the report is used accessed the user is


with an input box requesting parameter input for the crosstab query.
Obviously we want to eliminate this prompt and have the parameter


passed to the crosstab queries programmatically.

Any help that could be provided would be greatly appreciated.


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