Programmatically flush iis cache


Kyle Brandon

Is there a way to flush the cache from a web service? basically i want to
force a cache flush if there was an underlying database change so that
subsequent calls would get new data...

Hermit Dave

how a data service caches the data is determined by how its writer.. if you
are writing on... then just done cache anything...
if i misunderstood the question... please give more information on what
exactly is happening and what you would like it to do



Hermit Dave

Kyle Brandon

I'm using WSE 2.0 to secure a web service. there's a token manager that is
called by wse to authenticate requests that come in. this token manager
talks to a database to get the current password. if a request is made and
authenticated it is then cached by wse. so if you then change the password
it will return the cached value. if we manually flush the cache then it
picks up the changes. i posted this under the webservices.enhancements but
didn't get any response there so figured i'd check here if anyone knows
about how iis caches items and how to flush this.


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