Programmatically determining WinForm or ASP.NET


Larry Hunt

I am developing a class which will be used in both a WinForm and ASP.NET 2.0
application. The class needs to know which type of application it is running
in. How do you programmatically determine what type of application (WinForm
or ASP.NET) you are currently running in? I have looked at
Environment.UserInteractive but this will not have the right effect when
debugging an ASP.NET application.



You can check the System.Web.HttpContext.Current property for null. If
the return is null then it is executing out of the ASP.Net pipeline, if
it returns a valid HttpContext class then its running from withing the
ASP.Net pipleline.

Hope this helps...
- NuTcAsE

Vadym Stetsyak

if ASP.NET is hosted on the IIS, you can check process name from within your
IIS has predefied process names

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