Programmatically accessing queries?



This may be stupid user error, but I'll ask anyway

I'm using Access 2002 and successfully accessed (I thought...) the stored queries in the database's QueryDefs property. Once I got the code working, I added a new stored query which doesn't show up in the QueryDefs list. I've exited out of Access thinking that may be an issue (it doesn't appear to be...), followed by rebooting (which didn't help either). After neither action have I been successful in seeing the new query appear in the QueryDefs list. Does it matter how the query is created within Access? Once I restart Access, I do see the new query (QueryDef) there, but I can't seem to access it programmatically. Any thoughts



Allen Browne


If you still cannot access it programmatically, there may be something odd
about its name, such as a trailing space? Try looping through the QueryDefs
and listing them:

For Each qdf in dbEngine(0)(0).QueryDefs
Debug.Print qdf.Name

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Jim said:
This may be stupid user error, but I'll ask anyway.

I'm using Access 2002 and successfully accessed (I thought...) the stored
queries in the database's QueryDefs property. Once I got the code working,
I added a new stored query which doesn't show up in the QueryDefs list.
I've exited out of Access thinking that may be an issue (it doesn't appear
to be...), followed by rebooting (which didn't help either). After neither
action have I been successful in seeing the new query appear in the
QueryDefs list. Does it matter how the query is created within Access?
Once I restart Access, I do see the new query (QueryDef) there, but I can't
seem to access it programmatically. Any thoughts?

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