Programatically firing animations during presentation.



PP: 2003
Excel: 2003

I've got a presentation that runs VBA. When it fires it opens up an Excel
spreadsheet in the background and a hidden form that accepts events. When I
hit a number key it adds a pre-defined value to the next cell in the
spreadsheet. That then updates a graph made to look like a thermometer which
then updates the presentation showing only the thermometer.

When the thermometer reaches a certain point, I want to fire off animations,
that look like fireworks going off - showing that we've reached 100% of our
goal (It's in an auction a local charities fundraising event).

Everything works EXCEPT starting the animations when I reach a defined number.

I've tried a number of variations on shapes and some comments I saw up here
indicating that "ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Next" might do it.

Can anyone direct me towards a way to programatically fire the animations at
runtime without using the mouse events and then go back to the regularly
scheduled program (it is currently a one slide presentation).

Public Sub WKSChange()
On Error GoTo WKSChange_err


If Range("B5").Value >= Range("A1").Value And bShowFire = True Then

'show the Fireworks on the slide

'******************** Show animations ****************************

'******************** Show animations ****************************

bShowFire = False
' Else 'Process and update slide 1 normally
End If

Exit Sub

WKSChange_err: (error stuff) ......


I've looked at:
(my shapes are actually 2 - 7) to find something like FIRE ANIMATION NOW,
but can't seem to find it.


Any direction would be gratefully tried and accepted! More code gladly
supplied as needed.


Bill Dilworth

I think you may have more of a focus problem than an animation one. Excel
has the focus, not PowerPoint. Animations only display when the slideshow
window has the focus.

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
yahoo2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.


Thanks for the reply Bill. I'll look into that. Since I haven't really
programmed in VBA for PP before, is there a quick way for me to tell what has
the focus (or a way to bring the focus back to PP)?

I will press on in looking at that.

Bill Dilworth

(from within Powerpoint) will return the focus to the slide show that was
opened last.

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
yahoo2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.

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