"Program" Stopped Working



I have sent this post before, but am not getting any resopnses. I have 2
programs that have stopped working so far with the same error message.
[Program] has stopped working. Choose 1-Check the Internet and restart
Program, or 2-Restart Program. Neither of these 2 options solves the
proplem. These 2 programs still do not work. The first program was my
encription SW, the second was Windows Mobile Device Center. Now I cannot
encript my tax files and I cannot communicate with my mobile phone. Has
anyone had the same problem and found a cure?? swglitch


swglitch said:
I have sent this post before, but am not getting any resopnses. I have 2
programs that have stopped working so far with the same error message.
[Program] has stopped working. Choose 1-Check the Internet and restart
Program, or 2-Restart Program. Neither of these 2 options solves the
proplem. These 2 programs still do not work. The first program was my
encription SW, the second was Windows Mobile Device Center. Now I cannot
encript my tax files and I cannot communicate with my mobile phone. Has
anyone had the same problem and found a cure?? swglitch
Sometimes simply re-installing the conflicting programs sorts this out. It's
worth a try

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