Program run from CD prevents multi-tasking in Windows-XP



I have a program I run off a CD designed to ask the user questions from
a reading assignment. It is very simplistic in nature but it takes over
the Windows XP operating system. I can't multi-task. In other words, I
can't minimize this program in order to do other things.

Maybe it was designed to do this but, I assume there would be a way to
open this in a separate window so I can multi-task

Any ideas ?



Event though the application may be going full screen, you should be
able to either:

1. Use the Windows key or CTRL-ESC to bring up the Start menu or
2. Use ALT-TAB to cycle between/to other open applications


Actually those don't work. I should elaborate. When this program is
running I am able to utilize the minimize button in the upper right
corner, but after clicking it I am left with only a yellowish blank
background of the program. I can't see the desktop, I can't alt-tab to
other windows, I can't use cntrl-escape to get the start button. My
only option is to close the program or re-maximize the program which

I was hoping there was some command switch or hack I could use against
the executable that would allow me to isolate the program from the rest
of my operating system.

I guess it makes sense to have this feature for educational reasons
since if used in the classroom a student can take a test but not access
his internet browser or other files on his hard drive without exiting
the program.


Issue Closed.

The problem only appears on computers where the users rights are
restricted. My home computer allowed me to switch windows, use
contrl-esc, alt-tab etc..

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