Program Removal


Steve K

How do I remove programs from my system. I have Windows
XP. There are programs and/or remainders of programs on
my computer that the "remove" function will not work on.
I sometimes get an error message telling me that
the "Uninstall" will not remove these or else it can't
find certain components - yet the programs show up.
Additionally, one's that I HAVE removed - or at least it
tells me that they were successfully removed still show
up in the "start menu" when I run "msconfig" I'd like
to "clean-up" my system.

Thanks in advance for any help/advice.


when you're sure the program is removed, you can delete
the remainig files and folders. Just make a search on your
hard drive for these folders and delete them. You can also
delete the registry entrys from these programs, but backup
the registry first.
Go to start/run and type REGEDIT
now click edit and go to for the program
and delete the entrys. To backup on
file/export and save somewhere.
To reinstall...double click the saved file.

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