program menu shortcuts stop working



I have XP pro and everything was fine for many months. This summer I suddenly found that if I went Start->Programs and tried to click on any of the application shortcuts I could not. The cursor remained the arrow instead of the finger and would not allow me to open them. This only occurs here. All other shortcuts work. I can go into documents and settings and find the folder with the shortcuts and click on them and they work, they just don't work in the programs menu. Also if I restart they will work for a few days and suddenly stop working. I have done clean re-installs of windows and the problem returned right away. No updates fix the problem. It's not an app or virus since it does this on a clean install. I began to think it was hardware. Over time I had replaced the harddrive and video card, and removed 1 stick of ram, then put it back and installed the other, then switched their slots, the problem remained. So I was confident that ram was not the issue. I finaly decided I must have had my motherboard go bad. So I built a new computer. I re-used the ram and cpu from the old computer, all other parts have been changed including mouse and keyboard

Well all seamed well for a while, but as a check i did as little change to settings as i could handle and installed every update and only installed minimal amount of apps, all of which are versions that were released post this problem first happening. But then I come back from a long weekend and the problem has returned

I highly doubt my cpu is some how damaged that it works fine aside from the program menu. And I doubt that both pieces of ram developed the same flaw after 6 months of service that cause them to both cause the same very specific error. So that leads me back to software, I have re-installed windows probably 6 times over this period with the same error (all clean installs). I've had this happen when the only apps installed were AIM, MS office and Mozilla firebird/firefox. If the problem was because of them it would be a massively known error

Aside from this most everything has run fine. The only apps to ever have a crashing issues is Explorer from time to time, and i simple kill it and restart it. And itunes, which crashed a lot but seams to be do to my chipset which was a very early nforce2, with the new mobo the problems of itunes have gone away and this remains my sole problem.


I also ran Prime95 for over 16 hours and got no errors, this is a good program to test memory and all would seam to be well if it could go that long with no problems.


Someone has to have seen this before. I have come across 2 people who saw this before but never came up with an answer to it. It's such repeatiable problem that it has to have a solid cause, not just something freaky happened for a moment

This has been going on for a good 8 months now, it's gotten really old and I have used up all options.

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