Program icons are not visible



Our users (Windows XP) cannot see icons for any programs that link to
our file share. They only see a generic DOS icon. If the link points
to the hard drive, they can see the icons fine. All users are at a
remote location. If the user logs into our Citrix Servers (Windows
Server 2003), they are able to see all icons. Has anyone ever
encountered this problem or know how to fix it? Thank you in advance
for your help!


On 5/16/2007 10:55 AM On a whim, (e-mail address removed) pounded out on
the keyboard
Our users (Windows XP) cannot see icons for any programs that link to
our file share. They only see a generic DOS icon. If the link points
to the hard drive, they can see the icons fine. All users are at a
remote location. If the user logs into our Citrix Servers (Windows
Server 2003), they are able to see all icons. Has anyone ever
encountered this problem or know how to fix it? Thank you in advance
for your help!

I see it all the time. If the share isn't available, the generic icon
will display. Haven't tried to resolve it because it's not an OS issue,
but a connectivity issue.


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