Program Error: svchost.exe



Hello everyone ...

Upon starting up my computer I get the following message:
svchost.exe has generated errors and will be closed by

This slows down my computer and does not allow me to
perform certain functions, example:
i) Outlook Express, I cannot Reply to messages as it tells
me theire is not enough Memory.

ii) Also I cannot use the Search function (to look for
files or folders). The function simply does not load.

Help !! anybody ..?

ps: I run Windows 2000 on my computer, and,
the svchost file is located in the:C:WINNT/system32


Sounds like the Blaster got you.
Look for SVCHOST.EXE in C:\winnt\system32\wins and delete
it.(need to kill the SVCHOST process (it will be
capitalized) first)
Or look for msblast.exe process and kill it.
Also check your registry for it.
Then install the latest patch.


dnt delete svchost.exe .. dnt know wat that person is thinking ..
svchost.exe is the front end to may windows services and there may be as
many as 5 episodes of it running concurrent.. it is affected by the msblast
worm while your online .. but if you are up to date with security updates
you should be safe from the worm .. normally svchost.exe will fall over
after you have accesed the internet ? do you have cable ?? if you do you
cold be affected by the worm imidately it connects .. it loves broadband ..
get the full goss on this vulnerability from and download
decombobulater .. also several virus program proprietors such as mcphee etc
have an online scanner for the worm which can be accessed from thier
websites .

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