Program a date

  • Thread starter jln via
  • Start date

jln via

Im trying to find a way to put todays date into a querys where. I want the
date to change with the computers date. date need to go in looking like

John Spencer

There is a Date function. That returns the computer's date.

Field: TodayIs: Date()

or in criteria
Criteria: = Date()

Access will probably strip off the () at the end.

If you have a field named Date then you may have a problem with this - which
is a good reason to never name a field Date, but to always give it a name
like StartDate or SaleDate. If you have that problem and cannot fix the
field name, you can use DateValue(Now()) to return the date.

Al Campagna

I'd like to discuss my social life, but... that would be dating myself. :-D

Klatuu said:
I would love to be able to program my dates.

Think of all the fun I could have :)

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