in message
And "they" is who? Aliens in a UFO who call themselves "They"? No
ISP installs any operating system.
Get in your interstellar craft and go chase after those aliens called
And what "tool" is this? There is no such software utility included
in the default install of Windows. Perhaps you meant that you went
through the validation process.
Looking more like you were attempting to validate your install of
Windows and has nothing to do with Windows *Update* site.
And now a different entity is "They".
Go through the validation process again which will lead you to a
contact at Microsoft where you can purchase the Windows Genuine
Advantage Kit (which is a legit copy that you order from Microsoft).
This presumes that you, for reasons you have not explained, cannot go
after the first unidentified "They" that installed the counterfeit
copy of Windows.
For the cost that Microsoft charges and the delay in getting the WGAK
copy of Windows, you might as well as go somewhere else to buy an OEM
version for cheaper and get it faster. Seems peculiar that you are
unwilling to go after "They" to get a legit copy (which also means
they must provide the installation media). If "They" is some local
computer shop, simply inform them that you will be contacting the
State Attorney's Office to inquire how to best procede against
charging them with fraud (by installing counterfeit software) and
theft (by preventing you access to your prior legit copy of Windows)
and also will contact the FBI (but which require some indication to
the FBI that the shop has been involved in more the $25000 in theft
through counterfeiting). They may decide that giving you a
shrink-wrapped retail version of Windows is cheaper than having their
business shutdown and possibly all their equipment confiscated as
evidence. And don't just bluff. Tell them what you will do and if
they don't correct the problem then go do it.