Product ID



When I received my new computer with Vista Business I registered the Windows
and had a confirmation that the Windows were a genuine Microsoft Product.
Since then I encountered one or two problems with the Windows and wanted to
avail myself to the 90 days of free of charge advise from Microsoft
Professionals by email, but every time I enter the Product ID (which I
copied from My Computer on the opening page) which is required to access the
email page, I get a response that the ID is incorrect.
What are my options, whilst I am loosing the free of charge days?


I could be wrong here but I thought if you purchased a PC with Windows (i.e.
OEM) installed you had to go to the PC vendor for support and the free 90
days was just for retail versions of Windows.

If that is the case, it may say your product ID is incorrect because it sees
it as an OEM version of Windows.


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