Producing fix width text files



I want to export an excel file as a fixed width text file. I will have four
columns I want each to remain 10 charactors wide with the text left aligned
and numbers right aligned. How do I export in this format ?



Dave Peterson

I'd use a helper column that would concatenate the values in the first for

=LEFT(A1&REPT(" ",10),10)
&RIGHT(REPT(" ",10)&TEXT(B1,"000.00"),10)
&LEFT(C1&REPT(" ",10),10)
&RIGHT(REPT(" ",10)&TEXT(D1,"000.0000"),10)

(all one cell)

Text in A1 and C1, numbers in B1 and D1.
Then drag down the column.
Then copy that column, paste into notepad and save my .txt file from there.


Thanks Dave this almost solves my problem one final little obstical remains,
this is I wan to maintain the 0's at the end of a number eg 5.010 this
currently becomes 5.01.
any ideas?

Dave Peterson

This portion of the formula sets the format for numbers in column B:

&RIGHT(REPT(" ",10)&TEXT(B1,"000.00"),10)

So maybe...

&RIGHT(REPT(" ",10)&TEXT(B1,"0.000"),10)

Would work ok.

(or in the other portion for column D)

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