Problems with video files in windows folders


Andrew H.

- Windows XP Home Edition, English, SP1 upgrade.
- AMD XP2000+ (1.6GHz) CPU, 512MB RAM

My system tends to go into a hang if I open a folder with video files in
it. This even happens when the actual folder doesn't contain videos but
one or more of the subfolders do. My feeling is that Windows is scanning
through the entire movies (all of them) to make thumbnail icons.
However, this also happens when I am not using thumbnail mode.

The system hangs anywhere from five minutes to an hour, not related to
how many or how big the video files are. I've tried with one file in a
folder, and also with several. I've also tried putting thumbnail images
(folder.jpg) in the subfolders hoping to stop the scanning.

Using the Task Manager I've found that the hang usually starts
immediately when I enter the folder, and CPU usage leaps from perhaps
10-20% to 100% in a heartbeat, with Explorer.exe hogging 98-99% of it
all. I'm then unable to stop it except by terminating Explorer.exe
(which also takes much longer than should be necessary, suggesting that
the shut-down function also hangs) but that relieves me of access to
some of my dearer icons in the SysTray, so I usually end up just
rebooting my system.

Does anybody else have this problem and/or know about a quick and easy
(or at worst a not so quick and easy) solution?

Much appreciated in advance
Andrew H.

Chris Lanier

Try this...

To correct this misbehavior in Windows XP, remove the
following registry key.

Goto Start>>Run>>Type "regedit" goto

This will prevent Explorer from loading shmedia.dll in
response to file property queries on these files.

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