problems with rotating text vertical



I'm new to this so please be gentle.
When I set the vertical property of a text box to yes in a report, the font
changes to a different font. Is there any way to fix or work adound the
problem? this issue was reported in microsoft's Article 839779, but i have
not seen a fix for it. Please help.


Not a solution to the problem, but this alternative will work around it:
I use it and I like it, however, it depends on what you are going to do with
the report whether this is the way to go or not. The rotated text is an image
with all that entails.

If you are going to be exporting the report to a text file, I would suggest
that you see how the report looks if you change the format of the rest of the
report to agree with how the rotated text ends up. If you don't like the
results, you might want to try making the rotated text portions in an Excel
file and then linking that file to your report. This has its own problems. It
can be a bear to get all the columns the correct widths so that the linked file
lines up correctly with the rest of the reports. This is especially true is
you are using vertical lines in the report to separate fields.

Just a wizard prodder

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