Problems with MS Rich Textbox



I'm using the MS Rich Textbox control (6.0 - SP4) in an MS Access 2000 MDB,
on a tab control with 4 tabs. Each tab has 4-8 rich textboxes, which are
bound to memo fields.

Frequently, when I click on a tab to move there, an image of one of the RT
controls on that tab appears in the upper left corner of the screen. The
form and the tab control are gray, and the RT controls have a white
background. So there will be this white box the size of one of the controls
in the upper left corner, with the text from that control in it.

While this image is in the upper left corner, the RT controls on the tab
show no data. I can click in the various RT controls on the tab, and the
Properties window will change to show properties for the control I just
clicked in; but the cursor will not appear in any of the controls.

I cannot get the white box in the upper left corner to go away by clicking
in the controls or by pressing Esc. Only by moving to another tab does the
image go away. Everything will be fine for a while, and I'll be able to move
between tabs. But then the image appears in the upper left corner. This
happens without changing data or anything. Just clicking on the tabs a
certain number of times (usually within 10), and the white box appears.

Has anyone ever run across this?

Also, perhaps related to this, or perhaps not, when I click on a tab to move
there, the record selector on the left of the form indicates that the record
has been dirtied. What would cause the record to be dirtied just by moving
to a new tab?

Any assistance with this would be appreciated. Thanks,




Thanks again for your note. Taking your idea a step further, I found a
simpler way to avoid the problem. Simply make all controls on all pages of
the tab control invisible, then run code from the tab control's On Change
event to make only the controls on the current page visible (also need to
run it from the form On Open or On Current event so that the controls are
initially displayed).

Below is the code I came up with (for a tab control named "tabMain"). Seems
to resolve the problem, and allows you to keep all your controls on the tab
control, instead of moving them off.


Dim ctl As Control
Dim pg As Page
Dim blnVisible As Boolean

For Each pg In Me.tabMain.Pages
blnVisible = (pg.PageIndex = Me.tabMain)
For Each ctl In pg.Controls
ctl.Visible = blnVisible

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