Problems with macros after upgrade to 2003



My office uses multiple templates containing macros written in Word/Office
2000. Our IT department upgraded some users to Office 2003, and none of the
template macros are working. The first step of each macro is to merge the
template to a new document; on execution, the user gets an error message and
the system jumps to the first line of the macro code. Am I likely looking at
something that changed in VB between 2000 and 2003, or should I focus
somewhere else?

Shauna Kelly

Hi Carol

As a basic first step, I would make sure that the users with Office 2003
have the same permissions to the same server locations as they did before
the change. And consider whether the locations at Tools > Options > File
Locations have any bearing on the issue. (For example, maybe all other
users' Startup folder points to a server location where an add-in loads, on
which the macros are dependent. Unless the file location was set correctly
when the users were upgraded, the add-in won't load, and the macros that
depend on it will fail.)

You will then have to use the Visual Basic Editor to step through each line
of the macro to find out where, exactly, in the code the problem occurs.

If you have specific VBA questions, you might like to post them in one of
the Microsoft Word VBA newsgroups, such as microsoft.word.vba.general. In
your post, identify which lines of your code are failing, and what steps you
have taken to determine the cause of the problem.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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