Problems with listbox


Lloyd Sheen

I am making changes to listbox contents in JavaScript and those changes are
not persisted when a PostBack happens. Anything I add during Server events
are saved and restored. I only have access to the information for
JavaScript. I have an embedded object that cannot be accessed at server
execution time so I need to save information in JavaScript. If I add the
information to hidden text field it is retained. Why not the listbox. I
want to have a hidden listbox which contains a list of things to do in
JavaScript once the page is reloaded.

Is it just me or does it seem arbitrary which things MS determined should be
saved and not the user?


shurely thish ish all to do with ViewState?


if you turn if off for something it forgets what you did with it

Lloyd Sheen

View state is on for all control on page. I have done other tests and if I
loaded (server side) the items are kept. There is something about adding in
Javascript that does not let the control know that other changes (non server
side) have happened so that the changes will be made to the viewstate

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