Problems with February Dates



I have a database that has been running fine for years. When I change the
dates on the queries to pull the data for February, it is coming up blank on
one set and not on another. If I change the dates back to January, it again
pulls data fine. Is anyone else having problems with February 2007 dates? I'm
using the same parameters -- Between #2/1/2007# And #2/28/2007# -- that I
have always used. I am about to lose my mind and this has brought our billing
to a halt. Any help would be appreciated.

kingston via

Try >#1/31/2007# and <#3/1/2007# instead.
I have a database that has been running fine for years. When I change the
dates on the queries to pull the data for February, it is coming up blank on
one set and not on another. If I change the dates back to January, it again
pulls data fine. Is anyone else having problems with February 2007 dates? I'm
using the same parameters -- Between #2/1/2007# And #2/28/2007# -- that I
have always used. I am about to lose my mind and this has brought our billing
to a halt. Any help would be appreciated.


It's look fine to me, mybe somebody else has an idea (will be handy to post
the SQL) , but until then, so your billings can work, try another method for
a query

Select * From TableName Where Month(DateFieldName) = 2
And Year(DateFieldName) = 2007

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