Problems with device installation




I am running Windows XP service pack 1 on a Pentium 4, 2.53 Ghz machine with

1 Gb of RAM. I just purchased an HP Scanjet 3670 USB scanner and have been

unable get XP and the HP device or software to work together. I have been

working for hours with HP tech support and so far they are at a loss.

Been through dozens of installs/reinstalls, disconnects/connects,

confirming the functionality of the USB ports, registry cleans, etc....all
to no avail. I

even exchanged scanners with the retail store.

Basically what happens is that everything appears to install correctly and

Windows recognizes the new hardware but installs it as an "Unknown" device

the HP software will not access the "Unknown" device. HP is researching the

problem but I'm afraid we're getting close to the "blame game".

Which brings me to the reason I'm posting on this board. What can I do to

determine if Windows may be the problem?........or not? If it is then what
can I do

to solve the problem? I could just return the machine but another may have

same problem.

Thank you,



-----Original Message-----

I am running Windows XP service pack 1 on a Pentium 4, 2.53 Ghz machine with

1 Gb of RAM. I just purchased an HP Scanjet 3670 USB scanner and have been

unable get XP and the HP device or software to work together. I have been

working for hours with HP tech support and so far they are at a loss.

Been through dozens of installs/reinstalls, disconnects/connects,

confirming the functionality of the USB ports, registry cleans, etc....all
to no avail. I

even exchanged scanners with the retail store.

Basically what happens is that everything appears to install correctly and

Windows recognizes the new hardware but installs it as an "Unknown" device

the HP software will not access the "Unknown" device. HP is researching the

problem but I'm afraid we're getting close to the "blame game".

Which brings me to the reason I'm posting on this board. What can I do to

determine if Windows may be the problem?........or not? If it is then what
can I do

to solve the problem? I could just return the machine but another may have

same problem.

Thank you,


Take the scanner back to the store and trade it for a
Visioneer or Cannon and all your problems will be solved.


I had problems installing my HP psc2110 on Windows xp. I
downloaded their "scrubber" untility which cleaned my
system of all hp files that may have been corrupted.
Then I did a reinstall and that solved my problems. You
may not be having the same problems, but it may be worth
a try.


Canon maybe.........Visioneer no........tried one, had some tech support (I will not pay for long distance for a new


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