Problems with connecting to the net with other softwares



Hey, I am using Windows XP Home 2nd Edition

I have a LAN connection, my internet is fine with internet explorer,
Messenger, and other general needs of internet.

However, I am having a major problem with other softwares and programs that
are trying to connect to the web. Other softwares such as Java, and any other
softwares that needs to connect to the WEB to update, and/or achieve data and
servers are not able to do so. Often errors pop out saying such and such
software is not able to connect to the web... I checked my internet
connectivity with PING test and it showed me my internet is good...

I am wondering if theres any command i can do to apply my LAN connection to
other softwares when they are connecting to the web?
I would highly appreciate if any of you can help me out here...



I am having the same problem. I believe it was caused by the last batch of
Windows security updates. My internet browsing is fine but I now can't update
Ad-Aware and my son now can't play Blackhawk Down on-line. I confirmed this
by opening my wife's laptop which has been off for weeks. It wanted to update
Windows but I held off and updated Ad-Aware instead. It was successful. I
then did the Windows updates (mostly security issues). After the Windows
updates were completed I went back to update Ad-Aware again and got the same
error I've been getting on the other PCs on my network. I'm in a wait and see
mode right now hoping Microsoft will correct the problem. I'm not in the mood
to attempt calling Microsoft tech support... yet!

Dave Taylor

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