Problems with COM-Objects


Greg Cyrus

I am using a COM-Object within a dotnet v1.x application.
The COM-Object works quite "fine" on the computer where the deveoping
environment runs.

BUT when I launch the application on another Computer the COM-Objekt slows
down dramatically.
(each interaction such like sending or getting data takes nearly 10x more)

Is there something to register on the target computer to ensure better
performance or soething else to care about?

Greetings and thanx in regard

P.S: Compiling the app on the target computer the IDE notices that a "never
wrapper is available for the COM-Object".

Greg Cyrus

Does your code use the Marshall class to release the COM object from the

it does but the COM-Object is slow from the beginning (first instance of
COM-Object) - but what I have recently noticed is that the versions of the
COM-Object are not equal..
So I think it might be the problem that the Runtime-Callable-Wraper-class
specifies the COM-Object-Version on the compiling computer and when running
on the target-computer the RCW-class doesn't really match to the COM-Object
of the target-computer.


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