Problems / Questions about Access 2003


Duncan Edment

Hope no-one minds me posting this in here, but I couldn't find an "Access
2003" NG.

I've recently upgraded to Office 2003 and am just starting to get to grips
with Access 2003. However, I have some slight problems with it that are
flummoxing me:

1. Whenever I open an old database--i.e. one created in a previous
version of Access--I get the following message:

Microsoft Office Access Security Warning: Unsafe expressions
are not blocked. Do you want to block unsafe expressions.

I get the option of Yes or No, with a Help button.

Clicking the Help button, takes me to a page in help which talks
about "Sandbox Mode". It gives instructions on how to enable
Sandbox mode, but I do not have the "Security" option under
the Macros item of the Tools menu. So, I can neither enable
or disable--which is I think what I want to do--Sandbox mode.

2. If I select the No option, I get another message advising me to
install Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8 or later. However,
when I go to the update site, there is nothing to download.

I also get the options of Yes or No to open the file, and
selecting Yes displays yet another message. This one advises
me that "This file may not be safe if it contains code that was
intended to harm your computer. Do you want to open or
cancel the operation?" I coded the database. There is nothing
bad in it--well, perhaps some bad code, but surely Access isn't
smart enough to identify this ;)--and I just want to open it,
with no messages!!!

What gives? How can these messages be prevented, or do I just have to put
up with them?

Many thanks for your help with this.


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Allen Browne

The first message you describe has to be near the top of the list of stupid
things to come out of Redmond.

To avoid the message, Tools | Macro | Security, and set to Low. That puts
you in exactly the same place as previous versions. If you do not set that
setting in your menus, right-click the menu bar, and reset the Database

You probably do not want to enable Sandbox mode either.

JET 4 SP8 is available from, under the Downloads

Joe Cool

Yes, I was faced with the same problems when I upgraded to
Access 2003.

I did everything you mentioned and it did not work.

Here's how I solved my problems.

When I reinstalled my Windows 2003 and Office 2003, and
did the necessary securities update, everything went on

Hope this can help.

Duncan Edment


Thanks for the info.

However, I do not have a "Security" option under "Macro". Under the menu
item Tools | Macro, all I have are the following:

Visual Basic Editor
Microsoft Script Editor
Run Macro
Convert Macros to Visual Basic
Create Menu from Macro
Create Toolbar from macro
Create shortcut menu from macro

That's it! Nothing else! No mention of Security, either under macro or in
any of the other options!

After much searching, I eventually found the download link to JET 4 SP8.
Thanks for that.

I'd appreciate your comments on the Security option though.

Take care


Newsgroups are like one big sandbox that all of us
UseNet kiddies play in with peace & harmony.

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people that pee in our big sandbox.

Duncan Edment

Thanks for your help Allen. Back to good old Access!!!

Take care


Newsgroups are like one big sandbox that all of us
UseNet kiddies play in with peace & harmony.

Spammers, Cross-Posters, and Lamers are the
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