Problems printing from Access XP Database



I have a couple of problems with printing reports from a Access database.
1)If I try to print any report from any one of my databases to a LaserJet
5p (local printer), the job spools up and is send to the printer. However,
once it hits the printer the printer displays the paper feed error message.
I have tried to change the printer driver to a LaserJet 4 which gave me the
same problem.

2)If send the report to a network printer it gives an error message of
"There was a problem retrieving printer information for this object. the
object may have been sent to a printer that is unavailable".

I am at my wits end. Any help on this will be greatly appericated.

Douglas J Steele

Can you print from other applications? It sounds like a problem with how
your printers are set up in WIndows, rather than an Access-specific problem.


I am sorry I thought I had put in there that I can from any other application
without any problems. It just printing reports from Access.

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