problems calling this function



I am having problems calling this function
It returns the YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR from a Julian Day.
So the only input to the call is the Julian Day and a Gregorian calendar
flag which equals 1
But I don't know how a function can return a value and put it into other

If I just call =swe_revjul_d(E8,1) With E8=Julian day then I get an error.

If I put =swe_revjul_d(E8,1,F9,G9,H9,I9) in cell E9 with Julian Day in E8,
I get 0 as a result in E9, otherwise I get errors.
But there is nothing returned to F9 to I9.

Private Declare Function swe_revjul_d Lib "swedll32.dll" _
Alias "_swe_revjul_d@24" ( _
ByRef tjd As Double, _
ByVal gregflg As Long, _
ByRef year As Long, _
ByRef month As Long, _
ByRef day As Long, _
ByRef hour As Double _
As Long)


Bob Phillips


It can't, it can only return a value to the calling cell.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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