


My code does not run...
I have saved the file with an aspx extension and when I view it the page
displays the HTML content but the code does not run ?

I'm guessing my server is not configured correctly. Once again the code is
very basic:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<link rel="stylesheet"href="intro.css">
<form action="intro2.aspx" method="post">
<h3> Name: <input id="Name" type=text>
Category: <select id="Category" size=1>
<input type=submit value="Lookup">
<% Dim I As Integer
For I = 0 to 7 %>
<font size="<%=I%>"> Welcome to ASP.NET </font> <br>
<% Next %>

Marshal Antony

Hi Murphy,
Did you put your aspx page under a viirtual directory in IIS?If
not,create a virtual directory pointing to
the directory where the aspx file resides and access the aspx file through
that virtual directory.
Hope this helps.
Marshal Antony
..NET Developer

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