Problem with XP SP2



I ran the below program in a machine with XP SP1 and Word 2000 it took only 2
or 3 seconds to insert the bookmarks into the word document. But in a machine
with XP SP2 and Word 2000 it took 18 seconds in an average. I am using the
similar kind of program to insert the bookmarks into a letter at the runtime.

Could please anyone help me out.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo err
Dim obj As New Word.Application
Dim bk As Bookmark
obj.Documents.Open "C:\Test\"
obj.Visible = True
SendToLog ("BookMark Insertion Starts")
For Each bk In obj.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
If obj.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Exists(bk.Name) Then
obj.ActiveDocument.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=bk.Name
obj.Selection.InsertAfter bk.Name
End If
SendToLog ("BookMark Insertion Ends")
MsgBox "completed"

Set obj = Nothing

End Sub

Dave B

Your assuming it has something to do with SP2, perhaps a post on the office
or word newsgroup would yield an answer.


You would need to run the program on the exact same computer not similar for
any time comparisons to be valid. I don't know the hardware or software on
the computers in question but unless they are identical it becomes
meaningless. Time it on the SP1 computer then install SP2 and rerun. I know
a 15 second difference seems like a lot but there could be a lot more going
on than SP2 slow down.

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