Problem with Windows Installer and MSMoney 2002


Everett Lockhart

I purchased a copy of MS Money 2002 a while back, and I
have purchased a new computer since. Well, I installed
the application on my new machine, but everytime I
attempt to open it, it tries to re-install the app
everytime. In addition, when other users log on to the
computer, and attempt ot get on the internet, it attempts
to install MS Money also. How do I prevent this? Is
there a way to make the installer stop trying to install
an applciation that is already installed, or just make it
stop attempting to install this application in general?
HELP !!! When responding, remove the under score and teh
words "removethis" from the address to make it valid.

Ramesh [MVP]

Hi Everett,

See if removing the installer information and reinstalling Money helps.

290301 - Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility:;en-us;290301

823216 - How to troubleshoot Windows Installer-related issues that may occur
when you install or remove Money:

More Information: From Torgeir Bakken, MVP Scripting and WMI:

See "Every time I launch my application, Windows Installer performs an
installation. How can I determine the cause of the on-demand installation?"
in the FAQ at

To access the Application Log in the Event viewer,
run the following command from Start/Run:


If you are running Windows XP (or have access to a Windows XP computer,
you can copy MSIZAP.EXE over to your Win2k computer):

If a product code is listed there and this product is not really installed,
MSIZAP.EXE is maybe able to fix this issue, it is included as a utility in
the support tools installation package (on your WinXP CD) with some
documentation included in suptools.chm (installed by suptools.msi).

It will remove all Windows Installer entries for a product key that you feed
it with.

Note that if MSIZAP.EXE is used incorrectly it can affect other applications
on the machine.

Based on the documentation in

this is what you should run:

msizap T {product code}

an example:
msizap T {FFB37294-1155-17D3-A809-0250BAAFB1AB}


Ramesh, MS-MVP XP Shell/UI

I purchased a copy of MS Money 2002 a while back, and I
have purchased a new computer since. Well, I installed
the application on my new machine, but everytime I
attempt to open it, it tries to re-install the app
everytime. In addition, when other users log on to the
computer, and attempt ot get on the internet, it attempts
to install MS Money also. How do I prevent this? Is
there a way to make the installer stop trying to install
an applciation that is already installed, or just make it
stop attempting to install this application in general?
HELP !!! When responding, remove the under score and teh
words "removethis" from the address to make it valid.

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