Problem with VS2005 windows form when i switch to design mode



Hi ,

Due an unknown cause VS2005 started to show an error when i switch
from code to design in windows forms projects.
I repaired the installation but the same happens.
The error is:

One or more errors encountered while loading the designer. The errors
are listed below. Some errors can be fixed by rebuilding your project,
while others may require code changes.

No more data is available.

at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.Win32Error(Int32 errorCode, String str)
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.GetValueNames()
parentKey, ArrayList windowPanes)

Any help will be greatly appreciated,
Best regards,
Tiago Teixeira

Brendon Bezuidenhout

*EEK!!!!* The White window of death *shudder*

Right unfortunately this one is a pain to track down and it can be several
different things. From what I can see in your post it LOOKS like (assuming
here *grin*) you have custom controls on the form you are having issues
with. I have the same problem at work where several of our custom controls
cause the forms to die a horrible white death...

IF you do have custom controls on the form:
a) Are they in the same project or a different project in the same solution?
b) On each build are the references to the custom controls (if (a==true))
set to static version numbers or do they increment?

For some reason (still trying to figure it out even after SP1 for VS2005)
due to custom controls having different assembly versions it struggles to
load them correctly - or so I've found. Say for example you have v1.1.1.1 as
your last "stable" build and could see the form and next build v1.1.1.2 the
solution still "thinks" the old is valid. Also you will find that
the .dll that houses the controls is incremented in version even if there
were no changes to the code. Clean solution and rebuild having CLOSED the
form's design in VS... Should work - If not scream and I'll dig around my
favorites and send you all I have on the issue...



Thanks for the help.

I've no custom controls.
The same happens when i open a new blank windows form solution.
I've already repaired the VS2005 and I also have the latest SP for it.
I think i'll fix this uninstalling and re-installing all, i think it
will be quicker.

Anyway, let me thank you for the all the info you put here to me.

Best regards,
Tiago Teixeira

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