Problem with Start/Control Panel/User Accounts.


Les Paton

XP-Pro with all the latest updates. When I go into
Start/Control Panel/User Accounts I get this message...

Cannot open the res://C:\Windows\System32
\nusrmgr.cpl/nusrmgr.hta file.
Make sure a disk is in the drive you specified."

Any ideas as to what has happened ??

System runs fine otherwise.

Ramesh [MS-MVP]

Hi Les,

See if you are able to run in this way:

Click Start | Run | mshta.exe "res://nusrmgr.cpl/nusrmgr.hta"


Ramesh (MS-MVP)
(e-mail address removed)

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

~ Please reply to newsgroup ~

XP-Pro with all the latest updates. When I go into
Start/Control Panel/User Accounts I get this message...

Cannot open the res://C:\Windows\System32
\nusrmgr.cpl/nusrmgr.hta file.
Make sure a disk is in the drive you specified."

Any ideas as to what has happened ??

System runs fine otherwise.

Les Paton

Thanks......I get exactly the same result as via Control
-----Original Message-----
See if you are able to run in this way:
Click Start | Run |
mshta.exe "res://nusrmgr.cpl/nusrmgr.hta"

Ramesh [MS-MVP]

Try extracting a fresh copy of nusrmgr.cpl from XP CD. This might help.


Ramesh (MS-MVP)
(e-mail address removed)

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

~ Please reply to newsgroup ~

Thanks......I get exactly the same result as via Control
-----Original Message-----
See if you are able to run in this way:
Click Start | Run |
mshta.exe "res://nusrmgr.cpl/nusrmgr.hta"

Les Paton

I recovered a copy from C:\Windows\system32\dllcache and
still the problem persisted. I then tried to recover it
from the XP and SP1 CD's (both early 2002). Could not
find it anywhere on those disks. Tried expanding all
the .CAB files on the disks using WINRAR, could not find
it anywhere. Was this file perhaps added via a
subsequent, downloaded, update ??
Now for the strange bit....
I can get at my account settings via Control
Panel/Administrative Tasks/Computer Management/Local
Users/Users. I can display/alter/add/delete accounts OK.
So I decide, since nusrmgr.cpl is faulty and I cannot fix
it I will delete it. I go into system32 folder and
delete file, I go thru the confirmations and the icon
disappears from the window. A few seconds later it pops
back in again. I think, hmmm I must have hit wrong key
in confirmation window. Delete again, again it pops
back. I go to recycle bin and there are two copies of
the file there, so I did delete it twice. Try twice
more, now four copies in recycle bin and still the file
is in system32 folder (and operational with the error
message which started all this).
Is this some kind of self healing that XP now has
onboard, or what ????

-----Original Message-----
Try extracting a fresh copy of nusrmgr.cpl from XP CD.
This might help.

Ramesh [MS-MVP]

Not sure if it is due to a recent windows update. If you have installed any,
can you post back the hotfix number?
System Restore can be tried as the next option.


Ramesh (MS-MVP)
(e-mail address removed)

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

~ Please reply to newsgroup ~

I recovered a copy from C:\Windows\system32\dllcache and
still the problem persisted. I then tried to recover it
from the XP and SP1 CD's (both early 2002). Could not
find it anywhere on those disks. Tried expanding all
the .CAB files on the disks using WINRAR, could not find
it anywhere. Was this file perhaps added via a
subsequent, downloaded, update ??
Now for the strange bit....
I can get at my account settings via Control
Panel/Administrative Tasks/Computer Management/Local
Users/Users. I can display/alter/add/delete accounts OK.
So I decide, since nusrmgr.cpl is faulty and I cannot fix
it I will delete it. I go into system32 folder and
delete file, I go thru the confirmations and the icon
disappears from the window. A few seconds later it pops
back in again. I think, hmmm I must have hit wrong key
in confirmation window. Delete again, again it pops
back. I go to recycle bin and there are two copies of
the file there, so I did delete it twice. Try twice
more, now four copies in recycle bin and still the file
is in system32 folder (and operational with the error
message which started all this).
Is this some kind of self healing that XP now has
onboard, or what ????

-----Original Message-----
Try extracting a fresh copy of nusrmgr.cpl from XP CD.
This might help.

Les Paton

Tried System Restore and my Norton Ghost backup. But
problem has been there for some time as I went back to
earliest available date (September) and still the problem.

I have noticed another problem also. If I run Windows
(File) Explorer with "Each folder opens in a new window",
Explorer eventually falls over saying that "Explorer has
encountered an error". If I run it as "Each folder opens
in the same window", no problems.
This gets curiouser and curiouser.

I have every XP fix on the update site....

Windows Media Player Hotfix wm828026
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q329048
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q329115
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q329390
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q329834
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q322011
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q327979
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q328310
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q329170
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q329441
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q331953
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q810565
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q810577
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q810833
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q811493
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q814033
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q814995
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q815021
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q817606
Windows XP Hotfix - KB820291
Windows XP Hotfix - KB821253
Windows XP Hotfix - KB821557
Windows XP Hotfix - KB822603
Windows XP Hotfix - KB823182
Windows XP Hotfix - KB823559
Windows XP Hotfix - KB823980
Windows XP Hotfix - KB824105
Windows XP Hotfix - KB824141
Windows XP Hotfix - KB824146
Windows XP Hotfix - KB825119
Windows XP Hotfix - KB829558
Windows XP Service Pack 1
-----Original Message-----
Not sure if it is due to a recent windows update. If you have installed any,
can you post back the hotfix number?
System Restore can be tried as the next option.

Ramesh [MS-MVP]

You might try a repair installation, Les. The drawback is that the Service
Pack and hotfixes need to be reinstalled again.


Ramesh (MS-MVP)
(e-mail address removed)

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

~ Please reply to newsgroup ~

Tried System Restore and my Norton Ghost backup. But
problem has been there for some time as I went back to
earliest available date (September) and still the problem.

I have noticed another problem also. If I run Windows
(File) Explorer with "Each folder opens in a new window",
Explorer eventually falls over saying that "Explorer has
encountered an error". If I run it as "Each folder opens
in the same window", no problems.
This gets curiouser and curiouser.

I have every XP fix on the update site....

Windows Media Player Hotfix wm828026
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q329048
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q329115
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q329390
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q329834
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q322011
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q327979
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q328310
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q329170
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q329441
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q331953
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q810565
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q810577
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q810833
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q811493
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q814033
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q814995
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q815021
Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q817606
Windows XP Hotfix - KB820291
Windows XP Hotfix - KB821253
Windows XP Hotfix - KB821557
Windows XP Hotfix - KB822603
Windows XP Hotfix - KB823182
Windows XP Hotfix - KB823559
Windows XP Hotfix - KB823980
Windows XP Hotfix - KB824105
Windows XP Hotfix - KB824141
Windows XP Hotfix - KB824146
Windows XP Hotfix - KB825119
Windows XP Hotfix - KB829558
Windows XP Service Pack 1
-----Original Message-----
Not sure if it is due to a recent windows update. If you have installed any,
can you post back the hotfix number?
System Restore can be tried as the next option.


XP-Pro with all the latest updates. When I go into
Start/Control Panel/User Accounts I get this message...

Cannot open the res://C:\Windows\System32
\nusrmgr.cpl/nusrmgr.hta file.
Make sure a disk is in the drive you specified."

Any ideas as to what has happened ??

System runs fine otherwise.

I know this is an old thread, but I just ran into the same problem
myself so I thought I'd better post the solution I found in case anyone
else tries searching this newsgroup for an answer.

What I discovered is that the file association for .hta files had
disappeared and needed to be recreated manually.

Easiest way to do this is open Windows Explorer.
Go to Tools/Folder Options and open the File Types tab.

Press the New button, enter "hta" in the File extention box and press
the Advanced >> button.

You should now see an Associated File Type drop down list.

Look in the drop down for "HTML Application". If you can find it, then
select it, click OK, close the folder associations windows and
everything might well be working again (certainly it worked for me).

If HTML Application isnt in the list then you can try creating it
manually (though I havent tried this myself).

To do that, press the << Advanced button to hide the Associated File
Type list box and press OK.

This should create a new newfile type in the Registered File types
window with Extention "hta" and File Type "hta"

Select this extension and press Advanced on the which should bring up
the Edit File Type window, Press New to bring up the New Action window
and enter "open" in the Action box and
C:\WINDOWS\System32\mshta.exe "%1" %*
in the Application Used to Perform Action box.

Then tick the Use DDE checkbox and enter "mshta" in the Application box
and "System" in the topic box.

Press OK on the New Action and Edit File Type windows and close on the
Folder Option window and hopefully that will have fixed things.

Of course you do all this at your own risk I dont guarantee that it'll
fix anything but it did work for me.

PS If you've used the HTAStop.exe utility to close the windows security
I've heard that can cause similar problems with the user panel as well.
Firstly try turning it off with the Permit HTA Apps button and if that
doesnt work, you can try going into c:/<windows directory>/system32 and
looking for mshta.efx & mshta.exe files.

If you can find both you can try renaming mshta.exe to something else
and renaming mshta.efx to mshta.exe which manually undoes the changes
done by HTAStop.

Course this does mean messing around with the contents of of System32
directory which isnt something to be done lightly but it might be
preferable to reinstalling XP.

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