problem with shutting down the computer..



There was nothing wrong with it when I used windows Xp, but after having
changed to windows 2000, I have a big problem shutting down the computer.
When I press the shut down button, it just gives me a message saying"It is
now safe to shut down the computer" and it stops, like windows 95. It won't
shut down automatically,. I always have to press the button on my case.
please help me...


Right click your desktop. Click the screen saver tab, then the power button, Then the APM tab (Advanced Power Maintenance), check
the box, "Enable....," and shut down and you should see what you want to.

Constantino Echaniz de Fays

Normaly this probles is caused in a network problem. Try to get in the
windowsupdate a patch called asigned units.
Other cause is that you have a program attemp to connect with a service
in internet. Try to close all programs relationed with internet and try
to shutdown.

Good luck

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