problem with report footer



See postings below - still need help - see Below:

When the report ends if the detail info ends at the top or in the middle of
the last page the report footer info is printed directly under it.

I would like the report footer to be always at the BOTTOM of the last page
of the report.

Any ideas??

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Jeff Boyce 4/30/2007 7:02 AM PST


This may not be what you're looking for...

If you want something to print at the bottom of the page, maybe you could
use the Page Footer instead of the Report Footer. If you didn't want the
Page Footer printing on any page except the last, you'd have to suppress
(.Visible = False) it until [Page] = [Pages].


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner

babs said:
When the report ends if the detail info ends at the top or in the middle

Click to show or hide original message or reply text.

the last page the report footer info is printed directly under it.

I would like the report footer to be always at the BOTTOM of the last page
of the report.

Any ideas??

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babs 4/30/2007 7:16 AM PST

Two things have created a problem with that. I did that originally but it
created other issues.

1- I would like to see the page number at the bottom of EACH page
2- There is a Large blank space at the bottom of every page

any other way to get the report footer at the BOTTOM of the last page???



Click to show or hide original message or reply text.


This may not be what you're looking for...

If you want something to print at the bottom of the page, maybe you could
use the Page Footer instead of the Report Footer. If you didn't want the
Page Footer printing on any page except the last, you'd have to suppress
(.Visible = False) it until [Page] = [Pages].


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner

babs said:
When the report ends if the detail info ends at the top or in the middle of
the last page the report footer info is printed directly under it.

I would like the report footer to be always at the BOTTOM of the last page
of the report.

Any ideas??

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fredg 4/30/2007 9:15 AM PST

When the report ends if the detail info ends at the top or in the middle of
the last page the report footer info is printed directly under it.

I would like the report footer to be always at the BOTTOM of the last page
of the report.

Any ideas??

Make your report as you normally would with the Page Footer and Report

Make sure there is a control set to = [Page] & " of " & [Pages] in the
Page Footer.

Then for each control you wish to display on the final page footer,
place an unbound control where it should display.
Set each of these controls Visible properties to No.
(Do not disturb the controls you want to normally display at the
bottom of each page.

Next code the Report' Page Footer Format event:
If [Page] = [Pages] Then
[PageFooterControlName1] = [ReportFooterControlName1]
[PageFooterControlName1].Visible = True
' Do the same for each other ReportFooter control you wish to show
in the Page Footer.
End If

If you have other controls in the page footer that you do not wish to
display on the final page, set them to Not Visible in the Page Footer

You must leave enough Page Footer Height to print these controls.
I see no reason you can't stack these controls on top of your regular
page footer controls and turn Visible properties on and off as

Next code the Report Footer's Format event:
Cancel = True

Then code the Report Header Format event:

[PageFooterControlName1].Visible = False
' Do the same for each other ReportFooter control you wish to show
in the Page Footer.

The Report Footer information should display at the bottom of the
report where the Page footer normally does.
Please respond only to this newsgroup.
I do not reply to personal e-mail

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babs 4/30/2007 9:28 AM PST

I had done exactly as you had said however the Report Footer that I would
like at the BOTTOM of the last page contains a huge amount of text info
needed. On all of the pages other than the last it created a large blank
space and wanted more detail records to show up on the bottom area of ALL
pages other than the last page.

To summarize By having that large text box in the page footer that really
only needs to be on the last page - it makes the page footer section large
even though it is set to not visible.

any more ideas?


Click to show or hide original message or reply text.

When the report ends if the detail info ends at the top or in the middle of
the last page the report footer info is printed directly under it.

I would like the report footer to be always at the BOTTOM of the last page
of the report.

Any ideas??

Make your report as you normally would with the Page Footer and Report

Make sure there is a control set to = [Page] & " of " & [Pages] in the
Page Footer.

Then for each control you wish to display on the final page footer,
place an unbound control where it should display.
Set each of these controls Visible properties to No.
(Do not disturb the controls you want to normally display at the
bottom of each page.

Next code the Report' Page Footer Format event:
If [Page] = [Pages] Then
[PageFooterControlName1] = [ReportFooterControlName1]
[PageFooterControlName1].Visible = True
' Do the same for each other ReportFooter control you wish to show
in the Page Footer.
End If

If you have other controls in the page footer that you do not wish to
display on the final page, set them to Not Visible in the Page Footer

You must leave enough Page Footer Height to print these controls.
I see no reason you can't stack these controls on top of your regular
page footer controls and turn Visible properties on and off as

Next code the Report Footer's Format event:
Cancel = True

Then code the Report Header Format event:

[PageFooterControlName1].Visible = False
' Do the same for each other ReportFooter control you wish to show
in the Page Footer.

The Report Footer information should display at the bottom of the
report where the Page footer normally does.

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babs 4/30/2007 5:49 PM PST

Any ideas?????



Click to show or hide original message or reply text.

When the report ends if the detail info ends at the top or in the middle of
the last page the report footer info is printed directly under it.

I would like the report footer to be always at the BOTTOM of the last page
of the report.

Any ideas??

Make your report as you normally would with the Page Footer and Report

Make sure there is a control set to = [Page] & " of " & [Pages] in the
Page Footer.

Then for each control you wish to display on the final page footer,
place an unbound control where it should display.
Set each of these controls Visible properties to No.
(Do not disturb the controls you want to normally display at the
bottom of each page.

Next code the Report' Page Footer Format event:
If [Page] = [Pages] Then
[PageFooterControlName1] = [ReportFooterControlName1]
[PageFooterControlName1].Visible = True
' Do the same for each other ReportFooter control you wish to show
in the Page Footer.
End If

If you have other controls in the page footer that you do not wish to
display on the final page, set them to Not Visible in the Page Footer

You must leave enough Page Footer Height to print these controls.
I see no reason you can't stack these controls on top of your regular
page footer controls and turn Visible properties on and off as

Next code the Report Footer's Format event:
Cancel = True

Then code the Report Header Format event:

[PageFooterControlName1].Visible = False
' Do the same for each other ReportFooter control you wish to show
in the Page Footer.

The Report Footer information should display at the bottom of the
report where the Page footer normally does.


Hi babs,

Hope you are still checking back on this one. I've devised a quite simple
technique to do this. Basically it works out how big the report footer
needs to be to fill up the last page, makes the report footer that size, and
then "shuffles" all the controls down to the bottom of the footer.

If you want, you can get really clever with this and have some controls stay
in the "normal" report footer postion, and have some move down to the

Here's how to do it:

1. Make sure that you have your control with "= [Page] & " of " & [Pages]"
in the page footer.

2. Code the report as follows:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Dim mlngPageFooterTop As Long

Private Sub PageFooter_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)

If Me.Pages = 0 Then mlngPageFooterTop = Me.Top

End Sub

Private Sub ReportFooter_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)

Dim ctl As Control
Dim lngHeightDiff As Long

If Me.Pages <> 0 Then
lngHeightDiff = mlngPageFooterTop - Me.Top -
If lngHeightDiff > 0 Then
Me.Section(acFooter).Height = mlngPageFooterTop - Me.Top
For Each ctl In Me.Section(acFooter).Controls
ctl.Top = ctl.Top + lngHeightDiff - 10
End If
End If

End Sub

babs said:
See postings below - still need help - see Below:

When the report ends if the detail info ends at the top or in the middle of
the last page the report footer info is printed directly under it.

I would like the report footer to be always at the BOTTOM of the last page
of the report.

Any ideas??

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Jeff Boyce 4/30/2007 7:02 AM PST


This may not be what you're looking for...

If you want something to print at the bottom of the page, maybe you could
use the Page Footer instead of the Report Footer. If you didn't want the
Page Footer printing on any page except the last, you'd have to suppress
(.Visible = False) it until [Page] = [Pages].


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner

babs said:
When the report ends if the detail info ends at the top or in the middle

Click to show or hide original message or reply text.

the last page the report footer info is printed directly under it.

I would like the report footer to be always at the BOTTOM of the last page
of the report.

Any ideas??

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babs 4/30/2007 7:16 AM PST

Two things have created a problem with that. I did that originally but it
created other issues.

1- I would like to see the page number at the bottom of EACH page
2- There is a Large blank space at the bottom of every page

any other way to get the report footer at the BOTTOM of the last page???



Click to show or hide original message or reply text.


This may not be what you're looking for...

If you want something to print at the bottom of the page, maybe you could
use the Page Footer instead of the Report Footer. If you didn't want the
Page Footer printing on any page except the last, you'd have to suppress
(.Visible = False) it until [Page] = [Pages].


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner

babs said:
When the report ends if the detail info ends at the top or in the
the last page the report footer info is printed directly under it.

I would like the report footer to be always at the BOTTOM of the last page
of the report.

Any ideas??

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fredg 4/30/2007 9:15 AM PST

When the report ends if the detail info ends at the top or in the middle of
the last page the report footer info is printed directly under it.

I would like the report footer to be always at the BOTTOM of the last page
of the report.

Any ideas??

Make your report as you normally would with the Page Footer and Report

Make sure there is a control set to = [Page] & " of " & [Pages] in the
Page Footer.

Then for each control you wish to display on the final page footer,
place an unbound control where it should display.
Set each of these controls Visible properties to No.
(Do not disturb the controls you want to normally display at the
bottom of each page.

Next code the Report' Page Footer Format event:
If [Page] = [Pages] Then
[PageFooterControlName1] = [ReportFooterControlName1]
[PageFooterControlName1].Visible = True
' Do the same for each other ReportFooter control you wish to show
in the Page Footer.
End If

If you have other controls in the page footer that you do not wish to
display on the final page, set them to Not Visible in the Page Footer

You must leave enough Page Footer Height to print these controls.
I see no reason you can't stack these controls on top of your regular
page footer controls and turn Visible properties on and off as

Next code the Report Footer's Format event:
Cancel = True

Then code the Report Header Format event:

[PageFooterControlName1].Visible = False
' Do the same for each other ReportFooter control you wish to show
in the Page Footer.

The Report Footer information should display at the bottom of the
report where the Page footer normally does.
Please respond only to this newsgroup.
I do not reply to personal e-mail

Did this post answer the question?
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babs 4/30/2007 9:28 AM PST

I had done exactly as you had said however the Report Footer that I would
like at the BOTTOM of the last page contains a huge amount of text info
needed. On all of the pages other than the last it created a large blank
space and wanted more detail records to show up on the bottom area of ALL
pages other than the last page.

To summarize By having that large text box in the page footer that really
only needs to be on the last page - it makes the page footer section large
even though it is set to not visible.

any more ideas?


Click to show or hide original message or reply text.

When the report ends if the detail info ends at the top or in the middle of
the last page the report footer info is printed directly under it.

I would like the report footer to be always at the BOTTOM of the last page
of the report.

Any ideas??

Make your report as you normally would with the Page Footer and Report

Make sure there is a control set to = [Page] & " of " & [Pages] in the
Page Footer.

Then for each control you wish to display on the final page footer,
place an unbound control where it should display.
Set each of these controls Visible properties to No.
(Do not disturb the controls you want to normally display at the
bottom of each page.

Next code the Report' Page Footer Format event:
If [Page] = [Pages] Then
[PageFooterControlName1] = [ReportFooterControlName1]
[PageFooterControlName1].Visible = True
' Do the same for each other ReportFooter control you wish to show
in the Page Footer.
End If

If you have other controls in the page footer that you do not wish to
display on the final page, set them to Not Visible in the Page Footer

You must leave enough Page Footer Height to print these controls.
I see no reason you can't stack these controls on top of your regular
page footer controls and turn Visible properties on and off as

Next code the Report Footer's Format event:
Cancel = True

Then code the Report Header Format event:

[PageFooterControlName1].Visible = False
' Do the same for each other ReportFooter control you wish to show
in the Page Footer.

The Report Footer information should display at the bottom of the
report where the Page footer normally does.

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babs 4/30/2007 5:49 PM PST

Any ideas?????



Click to show or hide original message or reply text.

When the report ends if the detail info ends at the top or in the middle of
the last page the report footer info is printed directly under it.

I would like the report footer to be always at the BOTTOM of the last page
of the report.

Any ideas??

Make your report as you normally would with the Page Footer and Report

Make sure there is a control set to = [Page] & " of " & [Pages] in the
Page Footer.

Then for each control you wish to display on the final page footer,
place an unbound control where it should display.
Set each of these controls Visible properties to No.
(Do not disturb the controls you want to normally display at the
bottom of each page.

Next code the Report' Page Footer Format event:
If [Page] = [Pages] Then
[PageFooterControlName1] = [ReportFooterControlName1]
[PageFooterControlName1].Visible = True
' Do the same for each other ReportFooter control you wish to show
in the Page Footer.
End If

If you have other controls in the page footer that you do not wish to
display on the final page, set them to Not Visible in the Page Footer

You must leave enough Page Footer Height to print these controls.
I see no reason you can't stack these controls on top of your regular
page footer controls and turn Visible properties on and off as

Next code the Report Footer's Format event:
Cancel = True

Then code the Report Header Format event:

[PageFooterControlName1].Visible = False
' Do the same for each other ReportFooter control you wish to show
in the Page Footer.

The Report Footer information should display at the bottom of the
report where the Page footer normally does.

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