Problem with PropertyGrid and string based Collection



I created a collection derived from CollectionBase that is just made up of
strings, called "StringList". I have another object that has as a member
one of these StringList.

If I assign that object to a PropertyGrid, click on the collection editor
"..." and try to add a new string, I get an error message "Constructor on
type System.String not found.".

Any ideas what I'm missing? If it can't create a new object of one of the
built-in base types something is wrong.


Here's my "StringList" class for reference

using System;

using System.Collections;

namespace TestStringListAdd


/// <summary>


/// </summary>

public class StringList : CollectionBase


public StringList()

: base()



public void Add( String str )


this.List.Add( str );


public void Remove( String str )


this.List.Remove( str);


public string this[ int index ]




return (String)this.List[index];






I'll follow up on my own post with some additional information.

I discovered that "String" does not have a default constructor. Neither do
a number of other Framework classes, e.g. "IPEndPoint". So, if I were to
make a collection class of "IPEndPoint" derived from CollectionBase I run
into the same problem.

So, I guess the real question is how to handle these classes that don't have
default constructors so PropertyGrid can construct new instances of them?


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