Problem With Payslip



Hey all!!!
I am designing a payslip through a form. The problem i have is the
coding behind multiplying employee hours by employee wage.

I have a form with the following fields:
EMP ID : (combo box drops down to select
employee) After emp is selected his details are shown on screen showing
contract hours, job title, hourly wage ect...
CONTRACT HOURS: : showing hours employee is on
HOURS WORKED: :Field where the employer enters hours worked(
field where employer has to enter hours(required field))
NET PAY : This is the field i am having problem
with as i can't seem to find the code to multiple hours worked by emp
wage. I am new to access so coding is not my forte.

Your help would be great :)

Duane Hookom

I would expect you could use something like:
=cboEmplD.Column(3) * txtNetPay
If this doesn't work, come back with some control names and the RowSource
property of your combo box.


Thanks for the reply but i think i might have misguided you in my
question. Basically the employer selects which employee he wants to
print the payslip to via emp_id(which is the combo box drop down) After
he picks the employee his hourly wage and basic address comes up
according to the employee id selected. (These will be printed at the
top of the payslip)

I have other fields on the form which require the employer to enter the
amount of hours worked by that employee which is name 'HOURSWORKED' . I
want this field to multiply with the employees hourly wage field
'HOURLYWAGE' to get the total pay in the following field 'NETPAY'.

the fields 'hoursworked' and 'netpay' are extra fields on the form used
for the employer to work out paychecks for the employees(Basically
these do not have to be saved in any table just in form basis as more
and more payslips are entered. Hope this has cleared up by query.
Thanks for your prompt previous reply.

Duane Hookom

Can you define "his hourly wage and basic address comes up according to the
employee id selected"? Comes up how? Comes up where? Why can't you use the
value that "came up" to multiply times the HOURSWORKED?

Brendan Reynolds

From your description, it seems that the Control Source property for the
'NETPAY' control could be simply =HOURSWORKED * HOURLYWAGE.

'NETPAY' sounds like a strange and misleading name for that control, though,
as the result of that calculation is, of course, not the employee's net pay,
but the employee's gross pay.

As someone who used to be responsible for the maintenance of an Access-based
payroll application, my advice to anyone considering the same is - don't do
it. There are perfectly usable payroll apps out there at very reasonable
prices. Save yourself a lot of pain and use one of them.

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