Problem with microsoft picture it



I have a problem with microsoft picture it.Its an old version but i have
depended on it for years.A few months ago, i fried my hard drive (western
digital 120gb) and lost all my stuff as i was told that it probably couldnt
be salvaged.Picture it was on it and worked fine.I have since purchased a new
hard drive (western digital 160gb) but now i cant get picture it to load.It
wont autoplay and cant get setup to work...It comes with a dialogue box that

QUOTE" c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt. The system file is not suitable
for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications. Choose close to
terminate the application " END QUOTE

The box header is 16 Bit Windows Subsystem

How do i fix this as i really depend on this program.I also have picture it
99 and have the same problem..I installed it on my laptop and it works fine
but i need it on my desktop pc too...

Both computers are running windows XP Home edition....


In vnss304 <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
I have a problem with microsoft picture it.Its an old version but i
have depended on it for years.A few months ago, i fried my hard drive
(western digital 120gb) and lost all my stuff as i was told that it
probably couldnt be salvaged.Picture it was on it and worked fine.I
have since purchased a new hard drive (western digital 160gb) but now
i cant get picture it to load.It wont autoplay and cant get setup to
work...It comes with a dialogue box that says:-

QUOTE" c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt. The system file is not
suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications.
Choose close to terminate the application " END QUOTE

The box header is 16 Bit Windows Subsystem

How do i fix this as i really depend on this program.I also have
picture it 99 and have the same problem..I installed it on my laptop
and it works fine but i need it on my desktop pc too...

Both computers are running windows XP Home edition....

This would be what you are looking for...

Error message when you install or start an MS-DOS or 16-bit Windows-based


"Chance has put in our way a most singular and whimsical problem, and
its solution is its own reward."

Sherlock Holmes

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