Problem with loadXML and web services



Hi everyone,

I'm trying to access a webservice (asmx) from an asp page and I'm having a
problem with the load below:


Dim dblTax, strQuery, objRequest, objXMLDoc, strXMLwsURL, strXMLMessage

Set objRequest = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
Set objXMLDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0")

objXMLDoc.Async = False
strXMLwsURL = "http://localhost/asptest/OBWebSvc.asmx/GetDocGroups"
objRequest.Open "post", strXMLwsURL, False



response.write objXMLDoc.ParseError.reason


I get the error message 'XML document must have a top level element. '

The called webservice method(C#) returns data of class 'ArrayList'. When I
change the method return to a string ("i.e. Hello") it loads fine. Now I
access the webservice in using return val of 'ArrayList' and it also
works fine. It just doesn't work in the asp page. Heres a portion of my
asmx.cs file:

[WebMethod(Description="Retrieves an array of doctype groups")]
public string GetDocGroups()
public ArrayList GetDocGroups()

OBInterface ob = new OBInterface();
// return ob.GetDocGroupList(dsn, loginName, passWord);
return ob.GetDocGroupList();
// return "HELLO";

Any help would be much appreciated.


Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


If you use the HttpWebRequest class to issue the request (with the POST,
and the empty content), what is returned? Is it an error? What is the
return code?


I'm not sure what you mean or how to do that in an asp page. In doing this
would I still be able to parse the xml (i.e. selectNodes) after I get the


Nicholas Paldino said:

If you use the HttpWebRequest class to issue the request (with the POST,
and the empty content), what is returned? Is it an error? What is the
return code?

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

Dave H said:
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to access a webservice (asmx) from an asp page and I'm having a
problem with the load below:


Dim dblTax, strQuery, objRequest, objXMLDoc, strXMLwsURL, strXMLMessage

Set objRequest = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
Set objXMLDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0")

objXMLDoc.Async = False
strXMLwsURL = "http://localhost/asptest/OBWebSvc.asmx/GetDocGroups"
objRequest.Open "post", strXMLwsURL, False



response.write objXMLDoc.ParseError.reason


I get the error message 'XML document must have a top level element. '

The called webservice method(C#) returns data of class 'ArrayList'. When I
change the method return to a string ("i.e. Hello") it loads fine. Now I
access the webservice in using return val of 'ArrayList' and it also
works fine. It just doesn't work in the asp page. Heres a portion of my
asmx.cs file:

[WebMethod(Description="Retrieves an array of doctype groups")]
public string GetDocGroups()
public ArrayList GetDocGroups()

OBInterface ob = new OBInterface();
// return ob.GetDocGroupList(dsn, loginName, passWord);
return ob.GetDocGroupList();
// return "HELLO";

Any help would be much appreciated.


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