Problem with imported data



I recently built a new database, imported the data from
Works, but now any new records I add to the database are
not picked up by my many queries. I saved the Works
database as a DBASE, imported the DBASE as a new table,
and then copy and pasted each field into the appropriate
field in the new tables. The tables are all linked
properly and the query references the correct table. I
have one particular query that I found had the problem
first. I can't remember the exact SQL (and I don't have
the database on this computer either), but it has
criteria in one field, CLASS, of "Complete" or "Pndclm"
or "Predet" or ... I noticed the problem first when I
duplicated one of the records that was imported, changed
the CLASS value to "Complete", but the query would not
pick this record up. However, when I changed the
original record (the one that was duplicated) CLASS value
to "Complete", the query did pick it up. When I tried
adding new 'test' records with CLASS value "Complete",
the query didn't pick up any of the new records that I
tried adding. That's the problem, and it doesn't make
any sense to me why it would take the imported record,
but not the duplicated record that is the exact same,
except for the auto-id number. Do you have a clue of
what this might be?

John Vinson

That's the problem, and it doesn't make
any sense to me why it would take the imported record,
but not the duplicated record that is the exact same,
except for the auto-id number.

It sounds like the Query is referencing the original linked dBase
table, not the new Access table.


I would agree with you, except that the original table
doesn't exist any more. Only the tables that I created
and pasted all of the data into is there. And when I
modify any of the imported records in the new table, the
changes are reflected in the queries. Do know you know
what else it could be?

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