Problem with global.asax and sare object




I developer an ASP.NET web application that use an COM object.

In global.asax put <object id="myCom" runat="server" classid="COMClass"
It's ok, no?? (little question, it's strange that in Visual Studio 2003 .Net
need open global.asax with notepad to write the tag "object")

Well, when i go to my asp page, myPage.aspx.VB and put "myCom.myMethod()"
and go to compiler, it's gime an error . (In asp with vb 6.0 this it's ok)

What's wrong??? anyone can I help me???


Kevin Spencer

Sure. ASP.Net can't work with COM. You need to create a .Net Interop
assembly and use that.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
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