Problem with GetNextControl


I am trying to make the Enter key, when entered into a textbox, function
like the tab key. An earlier problem was resolved by Branco and Armin
(thanks again gentlemen). The problem which baffles me now is that
tbxYear.GetNextControl(tbxYear, True) [where tbxYear is a Textbox] results
in "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Both of the
following statements raise this exception:

MsgBox(" tbxYear.GetNextControl(tbxYear, True).ToString returns: " & _

tbxYear.GetNextControl(tbxYear, True).ToString)

tbxYear.GetNextControl(tbxYear, True).Focus()

Here's the code in context ...

Private Sub tbxYear_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) _

Handles tbxYear.KeyPress

If e.KeyChar = ChrW(Keys.Enter) Then 'if Enter key then tab forward

'MsgBox("it's an Enter key")

MsgBox(" tbxYear.GetNextControl(tbxYear, True).ToString returns: " & _

tbxYear.GetNextControl(tbxYear, True).ToString)

tbxYear.GetNextControl(tbxYear, True).Focus()

e.Handled = True

Exit Sub

End If

I'll appreciate any advice/help you can offer. (And I am sorry for all of
the wasted space here. OE went into double space mode when I cut and pasted
the code from VS and I don't seem to be able to change that. Another
problem to research. Sigh!)


Armin Zingler said:
I am trying to make the Enter key, when entered into a textbox, function
like the tab key. An earlier problem was resolved by Branco and Armin
(thanks again gentlemen). The problem which baffles me now is that
tbxYear.GetNextControl(tbxYear, True) [where tbxYear is a Textbox] results
in "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Both of the
following statements raise this exception:

MsgBox(" tbxYear.GetNextControl(tbxYear, True).ToString returns: " & _

tbxYear.GetNextControl(tbxYear, True).ToString)

tbxYear.GetNextControl(tbxYear, True).Focus()

GetNextControl returns Nothing. Press <F1> (while cursor on GetNextControl)
to see why. Call Me.GetNextcontrol because it's related to the child
controls. The control itself doesn't care about it's next control, but the
container (the Form) does.


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