Problem with formatting comments



I'm using PPT 2000 on Windows XP and have a couple of problems with the
formatting of reviewer comments.

Usually the comments appear in 16pt. Arial, with the username in bold text
and the rest in regular style. I prefer to use smaller font sizes and
narrower line spacing than the default. The only way I know to change this
is to format a comment the way I want it, then right-click and choose "set
auto shape defaults." But this problem with this is that affect not only
comment but all autoshapes inserted from this point forward. Is there a
better way to do this?

Above I say that usually my comments appear in 16pt Arial. However,
sometimes they appear formatted as 16pt Arial with a -25% subscript offset.
I've no idea where this subscript setting appears from as I rarely use
subscript in my presentations. In this case, I have to reset to 0% offset
and make the comment textbox an autoshape default. Any one else have this


Thank you TAJ, but the method descibed is what I've already been doing to
change the formatting of the comments. The trouble with this method is that
the formatting then applies to both autoshapes and comments. I can't find a
way to chang the settings for comments alone without affecting all other
autoshapes. Yet, on a blank document based on the default template
(normal.ppt?) comments and autoshapes do have different default attributes.

One can right-click a comment, select "format comment" and change color,
line, fills and margins -- but these changes are only applied to the
selected comment(s). The only workaround I've found is to format one comment
the way I want it, then paste that format onto all other comments and then
go back and bold the reviewer name on each and reapply any other bolded or
italicized text on each one.

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